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We study the asymptotically flat quasi-local black hole/hairy black hole model with nonzero mass of the scalar filed. We disclose effects of the scalar mass on transitions in a grand canonical ensemble with condensation behaviors of a parameter $psi_{2}$, which is similar to approaches in holographic theories. We find that more negative scalar mass makes the phase transition easier to happen. We also obtain an analytical relation $psi_{2}varpropto(T_{c}-T)^{1/2}$ around the critical phase transition points implying a second order phase transition. Besides the parameter $psi_{2}$, we show that metric solutions can be used to disclose properties of transitions. In this work, we observe that phase transitions in a box are strikingly similar to holographic transitions in the AdS gravity and the similarity provides insights into holographic theories.
We study asymptotically flat black holes with massive graviton hair within the ghost-free bigravity theory. There have been contradictory statements in the literature about their existence -- such solutions were reported some time ago, but later a different group claimed the Schwarzschild solution to be the only asymptotically flat black hole in the theory. As a result, the controversy emerged. We have analyzed the issue ourselves and have been able to construct such solutions within a carefully designed numerical scheme. We find that for given parameter values there can be one or two asymptotically flat hairy black holes in addition to the Schwarzschild solution. We analyze their perturbative stability and find that they can be stable or unstable, depending on the parameter values. The masses of stable hairy black holes that would be physically relevant range form stellar values up to values typical for supermassive black holes. One of their two metrics is extremely close to Schwarzschild, while all their hair is hidden in the second metric that is not coupled to matter and not directly seen. If the massive bigravity theory indeed describes physics, the hair of such black holes should manifest themselves in violent processes like black hole collisions and should be visible in the structure of the signals detected by LIGO/VIRGO.
We investigate the thermodynamics of a general class of exact 4-dimensional asymptotically Anti-de Sitter hairy black hole solutions and show that, for a fixed temperature, there are small and large hairy black holes similar to the Schwarzschild-AdS black hole. The large black holes have positive specific heat and so they can be in equilibrium with a thermal bath of radiation at the Hawking temperature. The relevant thermodynamic quantities are computed by using the Hamiltonian formalism and counterterm method. We explicitly show that there are first order phase transitions similar to the Hawking-Page phase transition.
We investigate black hole thermodynamics involving a scalar hair which is dual to a momentum relaxation of the dual field theory. This black hole geometry is able to be classified by two parameters. One is a momentum relaxation and the other is a mass density of another matter localized at the center. Even though all parameters are continuous, there exists a specific point where its thermodynamic interpretation is not continuously connected to the one defined in the other parameter regime. The similar feature also appears in a topological AdS black hole. In this work, we show why such an unusual thermodynamic feature happens and provide a unified way to understand such an exotic black hole thermodynamically in the entire parameter range.
One of the problems in the current asymptotic symmetry would be to extend the black hole to the rotating one. Therefore, in this paper, we obtain a four-dimensional asymptotically flat rotating black hole solution including the supertraslation corrections.
We do a systematic study of the phases of gravity coupled to an electromagnetic field and charged scalar in flat space, with box boundary conditions. The scalar-less box has previously been investigated by Braden, Brown, Whiting and York (and others) before AdS/CFT and we elaborate and extend their results in a language more familiar from holography. The phase diagram of the system is analogous to that of AdS black holes, but we emphasize the differences and explain their origin. Once the scalar is added, we show that the system admits both boson stars as well as hairy black holes as solutions, providing yet another way to evade flat space no-hair theorems. Furthermore both these solutions can exist as stable phases in regions of the phase diagram. The final picture of the phases that emerges is strikingly similar to that found recently for holographic superconductors in global AdS, arXiv: 1602.07211. Our construction lays bare certain previously unnoticed subtleties associated to the definition quasi-local charges for gravitating scalar fields in finite regions.