Hydrogen-like Spectrum of Spontaneously Created Brane Universes with deSitter Ground State

Abstract in English

Unification of Randall-Sundrum and Regge-Teitelboim brane cosmologies gives birth to a serendipitous Higgs-deSitter interplay. A localized Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati scalar field, governed by a particular (analytically derived) double-well quartic potential, becomes a mandatory ingredient for supporting a deSitter brane universe. When upgraded to a general Higgs potential, the brane surface tension gets quantized, resembling a Hydrogen atom spectrum, with deSitter universe serving as the ground state. This reflects the local/global structure of the Euclidean manifold: From finite energy density no-boundary initial conditions, via a novel acceleration divide filter, to exact matching conditions at the exclusive nucleation point. Imaginary time periodicity comes as a bonus, with the associated Hawking temperature vanishing at the continuum limit. Upon spontaneous creation, while a finite number of levels describe universes dominated by a residual dark energy combined with damped matter oscillations, an infinite tower of excited levels undergo a Big Crunch.
