A CO survey on a sample of Herschel cold clumps

Abstract in English

The physical state of cold cloud clumps has a great impact on the process and efficiency of star formation and the masses of the forming stars inside these objects. The sub-millimetre survey of the Planck space observatory and the far-infrared follow-up mapping of the Herschel space telescope provide an unbiased, large sample of these cold objects. We have observed $^{12}$CO(1$-$0) and $^{13}$CO(1$-$0) emission in 35 clumps in 26 Herschel fields sampling different environments in the Galaxy. Densities and temperatures were calculated from both the dust continuum and the molecular line data, kinematic distances were derived using $^{13}$CO line velocities and clump sizes and masses were calculated by fitting 2D Gaussian functions to the optical depth distribution maps. Clump masses and virial masses were estimated assuming an upper and lower limit on the kinetic temperatures and considering uncertainties due to distance limitations. The excitation temperatures are between 8.5$-$19.5 K, while the Herschel-derived dust colour temperatures are 12$-$16 K. The sizes (0.1$-$3 pc), $^{13}$CO column densities (0.5$-$44$times$10$^{15}$ cm$^{-2}$) and masses (from less than 0.1 $M_{odot}$ to more than 1500 $M_{odot}$) of the objects span broad ranges. Eleven gravitationally unbound clumps were found, many of them smaller than 0.3 pc, but large, parsec-scale clouds with a few hundred solar masses appear as well. Colder clumps have generally high column densities but warmer objects appear at both low and higher column densities. The clump column densities derived from the line and dust observations correlate well, but are heavily affected by uncertainties of the dust properties, varying molecular abundances and optical depth effects.
