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We study broad red-shifted emission in chromospheric and transition region lines that appears to correspond to a form of post-flare coronal rain. Profiles of Mg II, C II and Si IV lines were obtained using the IRIS instrument before, during and after the X2.1 flare of 11 March 2015 (SOL2015-03- 11T16:22). We analyze the profiles of the five transitions of Mg II (the 3p - 3s h and k transitions, and three lines belonging to the 3d - 3p transitions). We use analytical methods to understand the unusual profiles, together with higher resolution observational data of similar phenomena observed by Jing et al. (2016). The peculiar line ratios indicate anisotropic emission from the strands which have cross-strand line center optical depths (k-line) of between 1 and 10. The lines are broadened by unresolved Alfvenic motions whose energy exceeds the radiation losses in the Mg II lines by an order of magnitude. The decay of the line widths is accompanied by a decay in the brightness, suggesting a causal connection. If the plasma is <~ 99% ionized, ion-neutral collisions can account for the dissipation, otherwise a of dynamical process seems necessary. Our work implies that the motions are initiated during the impulsive phase, to be dissipated as radiation over a period of an hour, predominantly by strong chromospheric lines. The coronal rain we observe is far more turbulent that most earlier reports have indicated, with implications for plasma heating mechanisms.
Flare-driven coronal rain can manifest from rapidly cooled plasma condensations near coronal loop-tops in thermally unstable post-flare arcades. We detect 5 phases that characterise the post-flare decay: heating, evaporation, conductive cooling dominance for ~120 s, radiative / enthalpy cooling dominance for ~4700 s and finally catastrophic cooling occurring within 35-124 s leading to rain strands with s periodicity of 55-70 s. We find an excellent agreement between the observations and model predictions of the dominant cooling timescales and the onset of catastrophic cooling. At the rain formation site we detect co-moving, multi-thermal rain clumps that undergo catastrophic cooling from ~1 MK to ~22000 K. During catastrophic cooling the plasma cools at a maximum rate of 22700 K s-1 in multiple loop-top sources. We calculated the density of the EUV plasma from the DEM of the multi-thermal source employing regularised inversion. Assuming a pressure balance, we estimate the density of the chromospheric component of rain to be 9.21x10^11 +-1.76x10^11 cm-3 which is comparable with quiescent coronal rain densities. With up to 8 parallel strands in the EUV loop cross section, we calculate the mass loss rate from the post-flare arcade to be as much as 1.98x10^12 +/-4.95x10^11 g s-1. Finally, we reveal a close proximity between the model predictions of 10^5.8 K and the observed properties between 10^5.9 K and 10^6.2 K, that defines the temperature onset of catastrophic cooling. The close correspondence between the observations and numerical models suggests that indeed acoustic waves (with a sound travel time of 68 s) could play an important role in redistributing energy and sustaining the enthalpy-based radiative cooling.
Small and elongated, cool and dense blob-like structures are being reported with high resolution telescopes in physically different regions throughout the solar atmosphere. Their detection and the understanding of their formation, morphology and thermodynamical characteristics can provide important information on their hosting environment, especially concerning the magnetic field, whose understanding constitutes a major problem in solar physics. An example of such blobs is coronal rain, a phenomenon of thermal non- equilibrium observed in active region loops, which consists of cool and dense chromospheric blobs falling along loop-like paths from coronal heights. So far, only off-limb coronal rain has been observed and few reports on the phenomenon exist. In the present work, several datasets of on-disk H{alpha} observations with the CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter (CRISP) at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) are analyzed. A special family of on-disk blobs is selected for each dataset and a statistical analysis is carried out on their dynamics, morphology and temperatures. All characteristics present distributions which are very similar to reported coronal rain statistics. We discuss possible interpretations considering other similar blob-like structures reported so far and show that a coronal rain interpretation is the most likely one. Their chromospheric nature and the projection effects (which eliminate all direct possibility of height estimation) on one side, and their small sizes, fast dynamics, and especially, their faint character (offering low contrast with the background intensity) on the other side, are found as the main causes for the absence until now of the detection of this on-disk coronal rain counterpart.
We study the temporal evolution of the Na I D1 line profiles in the M3.9 flare SOL2014-06-11T21:03 UT, using high spectral resolution observations obtained with the IBIS instrument on the Dunn Solar Telescope combined with radiative hydrodynamic simulations. Our results show a significant increase in line core and wing intensities during the flare. The analysis of the line profiles from the flare ribbons reveal that the Na I D1 line has a central reversal with excess emission in the blue wing (blue asymmetry). We combine RADYN and RH simulations to synthesise Na I D1 line profiles of the flaring atmosphere and find good agreement with the observations. Heating with a beam of electrons modifies the radiation field in the flaring atmosphere and excites electrons from the ground state $mathrm{3s~^2S}$ to the first excited state $mathrm{3p~^2P}$, which in turn modifies relative population of the two states. The change in temperature and the population density of the energy states make the sodium line profile revert from absorption into emission. Analysis of the simulated spectra also reveals that the Na I D1 flare profile asymmetries are produced by the velocity gradients generated %and opacity effects in the lower solar atmosphere.
Coronal rain is the well-known phenomenon in which hot plasma high in the Suns corona undergoes rapid cooling (from > 10^6 K to < 10^4 K), condenses, and falls to the surface. Coronal rain appears frequently in active region coronal loops and is very common in post-flare loops. This Letter presents discovery observations, which show that coronal rain is ubiquitous in the embedded bipole very near a coronal hole boundary. Our observed structures formed when the photospheric decay of active region leading sunspots resulted in a large parasitic polarity embedded in a background unipolar region. We observe coronal rain to appear within the legs of closed loops well under the fan surface, as well as preferentially near separatrices of the resulting coronal topology: the spine lines, null point, and fan surface. We analyze 3 events using SDO Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) observations in the 304, 171, and 211 {/AA} channels, as well as SDO Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) magnetograms. The frequency of rain formation and the ease with which it is observed strongly suggests that this phenomenon is generally present in null-point topologies of this size scale. We argue that these rain events could be explained by the classic process of thermal nonequilibrium or via interchange reconnection at the null; it is also possible that both mechanisms are present. Further studies with higher spatial resolution data and MHD simulations will be required to determine the exact mechanism(s).
We report on the discovery of periodic coronal rain in an off-limb sequence of {it Solar Dynamics Observatory}/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly images. The showers are co-spatial and in phase with periodic (6.6~hr) intensity pulsations of coronal loops of the sort described by Auchere et al. (2014) and Froment et al. (2015, 2017). These new observations make possible a unified description of both phenomena. Coronal rain and periodic intensity pulsations of loops are two manifestations of the same physical process: evaporation / condensation cycles resulting from a state of thermal nonequilibrium (TNE). The fluctuations around coronal temperatures produce the intensity pulsations of loops, and rain falls along their legs if thermal runaway cools the periodic condensations down and below transition-region (TR) temperatures. This scenario is in line with the predictions of numerical models of quasi-steadily and footpoint heated loops. The presence of coronal rain -- albeit non-periodic -- in several other structures within the studied field of view implies that this type of heating is at play on a large scale.