A Large-scale Plume in an X-Class Solar Flare

Abstract in English

Ever-increasing multi-frequency imaging of solar observations suggests that solar flares often involve more than one magnetic fluxtube. Some of the fluxtubes are closed, while others can contain open field. The relative proportion of nonthermal electrons among those distinct loops is highly important for understanding the energy release, particle acceleration, and transport. The access of nonthermal electrons to the open field is further important as the open field facilitates the solar energetic particle (SEP) escape from the flaring site, and thus controls the SEP fluxes in the solar system, both directly and as seed particles for further acceleration. The large-scale fluxtubes are often filled with a tenuous plasma, which is difficult to detect in either EUV or X-ray wavelengths; however, they can dominate at low radio frequencies, where a modest component of nonthermal electrons can render the source optically thick and, thus, bright enough to be observed. Here we report detection of a large-scale `plume at the impulsive phase of an X-class solar flare, SOL2001-08-25T16:23, using multi-frequency radio data from Owens Valley Solar Array. To quantify the flare spatial structure, we employ 3D modeling utilizing force-free-field extrapolations from the line-of-sight SOHO/MDI magnetograms with our modeling tool GX Simulator. We found that a significant fraction of the nonthermal electrons accelerated at the flare site low in the corona escapes to the plume, which contains both closed and open field. We propose that the proportion between the closed and open field at the plume is what determines the SEP population escaping into interplanetary space.
