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The distribution of a population throughout the physiological age of the individuals is very relevant information in population studies. It has been modeled by the Langevin and the Fokker- Planck equations. A major problem with these equations is that they allow the physiological age to move back in time. This paper proposes an Infinitesimally ratcheted random walk as a way to solve that problem. Two mathematical representations are proposed. One of them uses a non-local scalar field. The other one is local, but involves a multi-component field of speed states. These two formulations are compared to each other and to the Fokker-Planck equation. The relevant properties are discussed. The dynamics of the mean and variance of the population age resulting from the two proposed formulations are obtained.
In a simple model of a continuous random walk a particle moves in one dimension with the velocity fluctuating between V and -V. If V is associated with the thermal velocity of a Brownian particle and allowed to be position dependent, the model accounts readily for the particles drift along the temperature gradient and recovers basic results of the conventional thermophoresis theory.
In this paper we consider a particular version of the random walk with restarts: random reset events which bring suddenly the system to the starting value. We analyze its relevant statistical properties like the transition probability and show how an equilibrium state appears. Formulas for the first-passage time, high-water marks and other extreme statistics are also derived: we consider counting problems associated naturally to the system. Finally we indicate feasible generalizations useful for interpreting different physical effects.
This paper proposes a simple self-supervised approach for learning a representation for visual correspondence from raw video. We cast correspondence as prediction of links in a space-time graph constructed from video. In this graph, the nodes are patches sampled from each frame, and nodes adjacent in time can share a directed edge. We learn a representation in which pairwise similarity defines transition probability of a random walk, so that long-range correspondence is computed as a walk along the graph. We optimize the representation to place high probability along paths of similarity. Targets for learning are formed without supervision, by cycle-consistency: the objective is to maximize the likelihood of returning to the initial node when walking along a graph constructed from a palindrome of frames. Thus, a single path-level constraint implicitly supervises chains of intermediate comparisons. When used as a similarity metric without adaptation, the learned representation outperforms the self-supervised state-of-the-art on label propagation tasks involving objects, semantic parts, and pose. Moreover, we demonstrate that a technique we call edge dropout, as well as self-supervised adaptation at test-time, further improve transfer for object-centric correspondence.
The microtubule network, an important part of the cytoskeleton, is constantly remodeled by alternating phases of growth and shrinkage of individual filaments. Plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs) interact with the microtubule and in many cases alter its dynamics. While it is established that the prototypal CLIP-170 enhances microtubule stability by increasing rescues, the plus-end tracking mechanism is still under debate. We present a model for microtubule dynamics in which a rescue factor is dynamically added to the filament while growing. As a consequence, the filament shows aging behavior which should be experimentally accessible and thus allow one to exclude some hypothesized models of the inclusion of rescue factors at the microtubule plus end. Additionally, we show the strong influence of the cell geometry on the quantitative results.
Deterministic walk in an excited random environment is a non-Markov integer-valued process $(X_n)_{n=0}^{infty}$, whose jump at time $n$ depends on the number of visits to the site $X_n$. The environment can be understood as stacks of cookies on each site of $mathbb Z$. Once all cookies are consumed at a given site, every subsequent visit will result in a walk taking a step according to the direction prescribed by the last consumed cookie. If each site has exactly one cookie, then the walk ends in a loop if it ever visits the same site twice. If the number of cookies per site is increased to two, the walk can visit a site infinitely many times and still not end in a loop. Nevertheless the moments of $X_n$ are sub-linear in $n$ and we establish monotonicity results on the environment that imply large deviations.