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Genuinely entangled symmetric states with no $N$-partite correlations

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 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate genuinely entangled $N$-qubit states with no $N$-partite correlations in the case of symmetric states. Using a tensor representation for mixed symmetric states, we obtain a simple characterization of the absence of $N$-partite correlations. We show that symmetric states with no $N$-partite correlations cannot exist for an even number of qubits. We fully identify the set of genuinely entangled symmetric states with no $N$-partite correlations in the case of three qubits, and in the case of rank-2 states. We present a general procedure to construct families for an arbitrary odd number of qubits.

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266 - Andreas Osterloh 2014
I generalize the concept of balancedness to qudits with arbitrary dimension $d$. It is an extension of the concept of balancedness in New J. Phys. {bf 12}, 075025 (2010) [1]. At first, I define maximally entangled states as being the stochastic states (with local reduced density matrices $id/d$ for a $d$-dimensional local Hilbert space) that are not product states and show that every so-defined maximal genuinely multi-qudit entangled state is balanced. Furthermore, all irreducibly balanced states are genuinely multi-qudit entangled and are locally equivalent with respect to $SL(d)$ transformations (i.e. the local filtering transformations (LFO)) to a maximally entangled state. In particular the concept given here gives the maximal genuinely multi-qudit entangled states for general local Hilbert space dimension $d$. All genuinely multi-qudit entangled states are an element of the partly balanced $SU(d)$-orbits.
Entanglement in symmetric quantum states and the theory of copositive matrices are intimately related concepts. For the simplest symmetric states, i.e., the diagonal symmetric (DS) states, it has been shown that there exists a correspondence between exceptional (non-exceptional) copositive matrices and non-decomposable (decomposable) Entanglement Witnesses (EWs). Here we show that EWs of symmetric, but not DS, states can also be constructed from extended copositive matrices, providing new examples of bound entangled symmetric states, together with their corresponding EWs, in arbitrary odd dimensions.
Suppose two distant observers Alice and Bob share a pure biparticle entangled state secretly chosen from a set, it is shown that Alice (Bob) can probabilistic concentrate the state to a maximally entangled state by applying local operations and classical communication (LQCC) if and only if the states in the set share the same marginal density operator for her (his) subsystem. Applying this result, we present probabilistic superdense coding and show that perfect purification of mixed state is impossible using only LQCC on individual particles.
We show that spin squeezing criteria commonly used for entanglement detection can be erroneous, if the probe is not symmetric. We then derive a lower bound on squeezing for separable states in spin systems probed asymmetrically. Using this we further develop a procedure that allows us to verify the degree of entanglement of a quantum state in the spin system. Finally, we apply our method for entanglement verification to existing experimental data, and use it to prove the existence of tri-partite entanglement in a spin squeezed atomic ensemble.
139 - Aihong Tan , Yu Wang , Xiaoli Jin 2008
We experimentally prepare a new type of continuous variable genuine four-partite entangled states, the quantum correlation property of which is different from that of the four-mode GHZ and cluster states, and which has not any qubit counterpart to be proposed at present. In the criterion inequalities for the full inseparability of the genuine four-partite entangled states, the amplitude and phase quadrature correlation variances totally consisting of three-party combination from the four entangled modes are involved. The measured correlation variances among the quadratures of the prepared entangled states satisfy the sufficient requirements for the full inseparability. The type of entangled states has especially potential application in quantum information with continuous quantum variables.
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