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In the context of data-mining competitions (e.g., Kaggle, KDDCup, ILSVRC Challenge), we show how access to an oracle that reports a contestants log-loss score on the test set can be exploited to deduce the ground-truth of some of the test examples. By applying this technique iteratively to batches of $m$ examples (for small $m$), all of the test labels can eventually be inferred. In this paper, (1) We demonstrate this attack on the first stage of a recent Kaggle competition (Intel & MobileODT Cancer Screening) and use it to achieve a log-loss of $0.00000$ (and thus attain a rank of #4 out of 848 contestants), without ever training a classifier to solve the actual task. (2) We prove an upper bound on the batch size $m$ as a function of the floating-point resolution of the probability estimates that the contestant submits for the labels. (3) We derive, and demonstrate in simulation, a more flexible attack that can be used even when the oracle reports the accuracy on an unknown (but fixed) subset of the test sets labels. These results underline the importance of evaluating contestants based only on test data that the oracle does not examine.
In machine learning contests such as the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge and the KDD Cup, contestants can submit candidate solutions and receive from an oracle (typically the organizers of the competition) the accuracy of their guesses compared to the ground-truth labels. One of the most commonly used accuracy metrics for binary classification tasks is the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve (AUC). In this paper we provide proofs-of-concept of how knowledge of the AUC of a set of guesses can be used, in two different kinds of attacks, to improve the accuracy of those guesses. On the other hand, we also demonstrate the intractability of one kind of AUC exploit by proving that the number of possible binary labelings of $n$ examples for which a candidate solution obtains a AUC score of $c$ grows exponentially in $n$, for every $cin (0,1)$.
Log-loss (also known as cross-entropy loss) metric is ubiquitously used across machine learning applications to assess the performance of classification algorithms. In this paper, we investigate the problem of inferring the labels of a dataset from single (or multiple) log-loss score(s), without any other access to the dataset. Surprisingly, we show that for any finite number of label classes, it is possible to accurately infer the labels of the dataset from the reported log-loss score of a single carefully constructed prediction vector if we allow arbitrary precision arithmetic. Additionally, we present label inference algorithms (attacks) that succeed even under addition of noise to the log-loss scores and under limited precision arithmetic. All our algorithms rely on ideas from number theory and combinatorics and require no model training. We run experimental simulations on some real datasets to demonstrate the ease of running these attacks in practice.
Membership Inference Attacks exploit the vulnerabilities of exposing models trained on customer data to queries by an adversary. In a recently proposed implementation of an auditing tool for measuring privacy leakage from sensitive datasets, more refined aggregates like the Log-Loss scores are exposed for simulating inference attacks as well as to assess the total privacy leakage based on the adversarys predictions. In this paper, we prove that this additional information enables the adversary to infer the membership of any number of datapoints with full accuracy in a single query, causing complete membership privacy breach. Our approach obviates any attack model training or access to side knowledge with the adversary. Moreover, our algorithms are agnostic to the model under attack and hence, enable perfect membership inference even for models that do not memorize or overfit. In particular, our observations provide insight into the extent of information leakage from statistical aggregates and how they can be exploited.
Data augmentation is an effective technique to improve the generalization of deep neural networks. However, previous data augmentation methods usually treat the augmented samples equally without considering their individual impacts on the model. To address this, for the augmented samples from the same training example, we propose to assign different weights to them. We construct the maximal expected loss which is the supremum over any reweighted loss on augmented samples. Inspired by adversarial training, we minimize this maximal expected loss (MMEL) and obtain a simple and interpretable closed-form solution: more attention should be paid to augmented samples with large loss values (i.e., harder examples). Minimizing this maximal expected loss enables the model to perform well under any reweighting strategy. The proposed method can generally be applied on top of any data augmentation methods. Experiments are conducted on both natural language understanding tasks with token-level data augmentation, and image classification tasks with commonly-used image augmentation techniques like random crop and horizontal flip. Empirical results show that the proposed method improves the generalization performance of the model.
We consider the problem of evaluating representations of data for use in solving a downstream task. We propose to measure the quality of a representation by the complexity of learning a predictor on top of the representation that achieves low loss on a task of interest, and introduce two methods, surplus description length (SDL) and $varepsilon$ sample complexity ($varepsilon$SC). In contrast to prior methods, which measure the amount of information about the optimal predictor that is present in a specific amount of data, our methods measure the amount of information needed from the data to recover an approximation of the optimal predictor up to a specified tolerance. We present a framework to compare these methods based on plotting the validation loss versus evaluation dataset size (the loss-data curve). Existing measures, such as mutual information and minimum description length probes, correspond to slices and integrals along the data axis of the loss-data curve, while ours correspond to slices and integrals along the loss axis. We provide experiments on real data to compare the behavior of each of these methods over datasets of varying size along with a high performance open source library for representation evaluation at