Entanglement Dynamics for Two Spins in an Optical Cavity---Field Interaction Induced Decoherence and Coherence Revival

Abstract in English

We in this paper study quantum correlations for two neutral spin-particles coupled with a single-mode optical cavity through the usual magnetic interaction. Two-spin entangled states for both antiparallel and parallel spin-polarizations are generated under the photon coherent-state assumption. Based on the quantum master equation we derive the time-dependent quantum correlation of Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) type explicitly in comparison with the well known entanglement-measure concurrence. In the two-spin singlet state, which is recognized as one eigenstate of the system, the CHSH correlation and concurrence remain in their maximum values invariant with time and independent of the average photon-numbers either. The correlation varies periodically with time in the general entangled-states for the low average photon-numbers. When the photon number increases to a certain value the oscillation becomes random and the correlations are suppressed below the Bell bound indicating the decoherence of the entangled states. In the high photon-number limit the coherence revivals periodically such that the CHSH correlation approaches the upper bound value at particular time points associated with the cavity-field period
