Complex-network approach for visualizing and quantifying the evolution of a scientific topic

Abstract in English

Tracing the evolution of specific topics is a subject area which belongs to the general problem of mapping the structure of scientific knowledge. Often bibliometric data bases are used to study the history of scientific topic evolution from its appearance to its extinction or merger with other topics. In this chapter the authors present an analysis of the academic response to the disaster that occurred in 1986 in Chornobyl (Chernobyl), Ukraine, considered as one of the most devastating nuclear power plant accidents in history. Using a bibliographic database the distributions of Chornobyl-related papers in different scientific fields are analysed, as are their growth rates and properties of co-authorship networks. Elements of descriptive statistics and tools of complex-network theory are used to highlight interdisciplinary as well as international effects. In particular, tools of complex-network science enable information visualization complemented by further quantitative analysis. A further goal of the chapter is to provide a simple pedagogical introduction to the application of complex-network analysis for visual data representation and interdisciplinary communication.
