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Stellar laboratories. IX. New Se V, Sr IV - VII, Te VI, and I VI oscillator strengths and the Se, Sr, Te, and I abundances in the hot white dwarfs G191-B2B and RE 0503-289

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 Added by Dr. Thomas Rauch
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors T. Rauch

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To analyze spectra of hot stars, advanced non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) model-atmosphere techniques are mandatory. Reliable atomic data is for the calculation of such model atmospheres. We aim to calculate new Sr IV - VII oscillator strengths to identify for the first time Sr spectral lines in hot white dwarf (WD) stars and to determine the photospheric Sr abundances. o measure the abundances of Se, Te, and I in hot WDs, we aim to compute new Se V, Te VI, and I VI oscillator strengths. To consider radiative and collisional bound-bound transitions of Se V, Sr IV - VII, Te VI, and I VI in our NLTE atmosphere models, we calculated oscillator strengths for these ions. We newly identified four Se V, 23 Sr V, 1 Te VI, and three I VI lines in the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum of RE0503-289. We measured a photospheric Sr abundance of 6.5 +3.8/-2.4 x 10**-4 (mass fraction, 9500 - 23800 times solar). We determined the abundances of Se (1.6 +0.9/-0.6 x 10**-3, 8000 - 20000), Te (2.5 +1.5/-0.9 x 10**-4, 11000 - 28000), and I (1.4 +0.8/-0.5 x 10**-5, 2700 - 6700). No Se, Sr, Te, and I line was found in the UV spectra of G191-B2B and we could determine only upper abundance limits of approximately 100 times solar. All identified Se V, Sr V, Te VI, and I VI lines in the UV spectrum of RE0503-289 were simultaneously well reproduced with our newly calculated oscillator strengths.

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130 - T. Rauch 2015
For the spectral analysis of high-resolution and high-signal-to-noise (S/N) spectra of hot stars, state-of-the-art non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) model atmospheres are mandatory. These are strongly dependent on the reliability of the atomic data that is used for their calculation. To identify molybdenum lines in the ultraviolet (UV) spectra of the DA-type white dwarf G191-B2B and the DO-type white dwarf RE0503-289 and to determine their photospheric Mo abundances, newly calculated Mo IV - VII oscillator strengths are used. We identified twelve Mo V and nine Mo VI lines in the UV spectrum of RE0503-289 and measured a photospheric Mo abundance of 1.2 - 3.0 x 10**-4 (mass fraction, 22500 - 56400 times the solar abundance). In addition, from the As V and Sn IV resonance lines, we measured mass fractions of arsenic (0.5 - 1.3 x 10**-5, about 300 - 1200 times solar) and tin (1.3 - 3.2 x 10**-4, about 14300 35200 times solar). For G191-B2B, upper limits were determined for the abundances of Mo (5.3 x 10**-7, 100 times solar) and, in addition, for Kr (1.1 x 10**-6, 10 times solar) and Xe (1.7 x 10**-7, 10 times solar). The arsenic abundance was determined (2.3 - 5.9 x 10**-7, about 21 - 53 times solar). A new, registered German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory (GAVO) service, TOSS, has been constructed to provide weighted oscillator strengths and transition probabilities. Reliable measurements and calculations of atomic data are a prerequisite for stellar-atmosphere modeling. Observed Mo V - VI line profiles in the UV spectrum of the white dwarf RE0503-289 were well reproduced with our newly calculated oscillator strengths. For the first time, this allowed to determine the photospheric Mo abundance in a white dwarf.
146 - T. Rauch , P. Quinet (2 2015
For the spectral analysis of high-resolution and high-signal-to-noise (S/N) spectra of hot stars, advanced non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) model atmospheres are mandatory. These atmospheres are strongly dependent on the reliability of the atomic data that are used to calculate them. Reliable Ga IV - VI oscillator strengths are used to identify Ga lines in the spectra of the DA-type white dwarf G191-B2B and the DO-type white dwarf RE0503-289 and to determine their photospheric Ga abundances. We newly calculated Ga IV - VI oscillator strengths to consider their radiative and collisional bound-bound transitions in detail in our NLTE stellar-atmosphere models for analyzing of Ga lines exhibited in high-resolution and high-S/N UV observations of G191-B2B and RE0503-289. We unambiguously detected 20 isolated and 6 blended (with lines of other species) Ga V lines in the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) spectrum of RE0503-289. The identification of Ga IV and Ga VI lines is uncertain because they are weak and partly blended by other lines. The determined Ga abundance is 3.5 +/- 0.5 x 10**-5 (mass fraction, about 625 times solar). The Ga IV / GA V ionization equilibrium, which is a very sensitive indicator for the effective temperature, is well reproduced in RE0503-289. We identified the strongest Ga IV lines (1258.801, 1338.129 A) in the HST/STIS (Hubble Space Telescope / Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph) spectrum of G191-B2B and measured a Ga abundance of 2.0 +/- 0.5 x 10**-6 (about 22 times solar). Reliable measurements and calculations of atomic data are a prerequisite for stellar-atmosphere modeling. Observed Ga IV - V line profiles in two white dwarf (G191-B2B and RE0503-289) ultraviolet spectra were well reproduced with our newly calculated oscillator strengths. For the first time, this allowed us to determine the photospheric Ga abundance in white dwarfs.
137 - T. Rauch , P. Quinet (2 2014
For the spectral analysis of high-resolution and high-signal-to-noise (S/N) spectra of hot stars, state-of-the-art non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) model atmospheres are mandatory. These are strongly dependent on the reliability of the atomic data that is used for their calculation. Reliable Ba V - VII oscillator strengths are used to identify Ba lines in the spectra of the DA-type white dwarf G191-B2B and the DO-type white dwarf RE0503-289 and to determine their photospheric Ba abundances. We newly calculated Ba V - VII oscillator strengths to consider their radiative and collisional bound-bound transitions in detail in our NLTE stellar-atmosphere models for the analysis of Ba lines exhibited in high-resolution and high-S/N UV observations of G191-B2B and RE0503-289. For the first time, we identified highly ionized Ba in the spectra of hot white dwarfs. We detected Ba VI and Ba VII lines in the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) spectrum of RE0503-289. The Ba VI / Ba VII ionization equilibrium is well reproduced with the previously determined effective temperature of 70000 K and surface gravity of $log g = 7.5$. The Ba abundance is $3.5 pm 0.5 times 10^{-4}$ (mass fraction, about 23000 times the solar value). In the FUSE spectrum of G191-B2B, we identified the strongest Ba VII line (at 993.41 AA) only, and determined a Ba abundance of $4.0 pm 0.5 times 10^{-6}$ (about 265 times solar). Reliable measurements and calculations of atomic data are a pre-requisite for stellar-atmosphere modeling. Observed Ba VI - VII line profiles in two white dwarfs (G191-B2B and RE0503-289) far-ultraviolet spectra were well reproduced with our newly calculated oscillator strengths. This allowed to determine the photospheric Ba abundance of these two stars precisely.
135 - T. Rauch , P. Quinet (2 2014
For the spectral analysis of high-resolution and high-signal-to-noise spectra of hot stars, state-of-the-art non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) model-atmospheres are mandatory. These are strongly dependent on the reliability of the atomic data that is used for their calculation. In a recent analysis of the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum of the DA-type white dwarf G191-B2B, 21 Zn IV lines were newly identified. Because of the lack of Zn IV data, transition probabilities of the isoelectronic Ge VI were adapted for a first, coarse determination of the photospheric Zn abundance. We performed new calculations of Zn IV and Zn V oscillator strengths to consider their radiative and collisional bound-bound transitions in detail in our NLTE stellar-atmosphere models for the analysis of the Zn IV - V spectrum exhibited in high-resolution and high-S/N UV observations of G191-B2B and RE0503-289. In the UV spectrum of G191-B2B, we identify 31 Zn IV and 16 Zn V lines. Most of these are identified for the first time in any star. We can reproduce well almost all of them at log Zn = -5.52 +/- 0.2 (mass fraction, about 1.7 times solar). In particular, the Zn IV / Zn V ionization equilibrium, which is a very sensitive indicator for the effective temperature, is well reproduced with the previously determined Teff = 60000 +/- 2000 and log g = 7.60 +/- 0.05. In the spectrum of RE0503-289, we identified 128 Zn V lines for the first time and determined log Zn = -3.57 +/- 0.2 (155 times solar). Reliable measurements and calculations of atomic data are a pre-requisite for stellar-atmosphere modeling. Observed Zn IV and Zn V line profiles in two white dwarf (G191-B2B and RE0503-289) ultraviolet spectra were well reproduced with our newly calculated oscillator strengths. This allowed us to determine the photospheric Zn abundance of these two stars precisely.
395 - T. Rauch , P. Quinet (2 2016
For the spectral analysis of high-resolution and high-signal-to-noise spectra of hot stars, state-of-the-art non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) model atmospheres are mandatory. These are strongly dependent on the reliability of the atomic data that is used for their calculation. To search for Zr and Xe lines in the ultraviolet (UV) spectra of G191-B2B and RE0503-289, new Zr IV-VII, Xe IV-V, and Xe VIII oscillator strengths were calculated. This allows for the first time, determination of the Zr abundance in white dwarf (WD) stars and improvement of the Xe abundance determinations. We calculated Zr IV-VII, Xe IV-V, and Xe VIII oscillator strengths to consider radiative and collisional bound-bound transitions of Zr and Xe in our NLTE stellar-atmosphere models for the analysis of their lines exhibited in UV observations of the hot WDs G191-B2B and RE0503-289. We identified one new Zr IV, 14 new Zr V, and ten new Zr VI lines in the spectrum of RE0503-289. Zr was detected for the first time in a WD. We measured a Zr abundance of -3.5 +/- 0.2 (logarithmic mass fraction, approx. 11 500 times solar). We dentified five new Xe VI lines and determined a Xe abundance of -3.9 +/- 0.2 (approx. 7500 times solar). We determined a preliminary photospheric Al abundance of -4.3 +/- 0.2 (solar) in RE0503-289. In the spectra of G191-B2B, no Zr line was identified. The strongest Zr IV line (1598.948 A) in our model gave an upper limit of -5.6 +/- 0.3 which is about 100 times solar. No Xe line was identified in the UV spectrum of G191-B2B and we confirmed the previously determined upper limit of -6.8 +/- 0.3 (ten times solar). Precise measurements and calculations of atomic data are a prerequisite for advanced NLTE stellar-atmosphere modeling. Observed Zr IV - VI and Xe VI - VII line profiles in the UV spectrum of RE0503-289 were simultaneously well reproduced.
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