Baryon Production at LHC Experiments: Average pt of Hyperons vs. Energy

Abstract in English

This paper examines the transverse momentum spectra of baryons in the multi-particle production at modern colliders using Quark-Gluon String Model (QGSM). It discusses 1) the difference in Lambda^0 hyperon spectra at antiproton-proton vs. proton-proton reactions; 2) the growth of average transverse momenta of Lambda hyperon with proton-proton collision energies and 3) the dependence of average p_t on the masses of mesons and baryons at the LHC energy 7 TeV. This analysis of baryon spectra led to the following conclusions. First, the fragmentation of antidiquark-diquark side of the pomeron diagram makes the major contribution to baryon production spectra in the asymmetric antiproton-proton reaction. Second, the average p_ts of hyperons steadily grow with energy on the range from 53 GeV to 7 TeV. Since no dramatic changes were seen in the characteristics of baryon production, the hadroproduction processes do not cause the knee in the cosmic ray proton spectra at the energies between Tevatron and LHC.
