Seeing double with K2: Testing re-inflation with two remarkably similar planets around red giant branch stars

Abstract in English

Despite more than 20 years since the discovery of the first gas giant planet with an anomalously large radius, the mechanism for planet inflation remains unknown. Here, we report the discovery of EPIC228754001.01, an inflated gas giant planet found with the NASA K2 Mission, and a revised mass for another inflated planet, K2-97b. These planets reside on ~9 day orbits around host stars which recently evolved into red giants. We constrain the irradiation history of these planets using models constrained by asteroseismology and Keck/HIRES spectroscopy and radial velocity measurements. We measure planet radii of 1.31 +- 0.11 Rjup and and 1.30 +- 0.07 Rjup, respectively. These radii are typical for planets receiving the current irradiation, but not the former, zero age main sequence irradiation of these planets. This suggests that the current sizes of these planets are directly correlated to their current irradiation. Our precise constraints of the masses and radii of the stars and planets in these systems allow us to constrain the planetary heating efficiency of both systems as 0.03% +0.03%/-0.02%. These results are consistent with a planet re-inflation scenario, but suggest the efficiency of planet re-inflation may be lower than previously theorized. Finally, we discuss the agreement within 10% of stellar masses and radii, and planet masses, radii, and orbital periods of both systems and speculate that this may be due to selection bias in searching for planets around evolved stars.
