Galaxy groups in the low-redshift Universe

Abstract in English

We apply a halo-based group finder to four large redshift surveys, the 2MRS, 6dFGS, SDSS and 2dFGRS, to construct group catalogs in the low-redshift Universe. The group finder is based on that of Yang et al. but with an improved halo mass assignment so that it can be applied uniformly to various redshift surveys of galaxies. Halo masses are assigned to groups according to proxies based on the stellar mass/luminosity of member galaxies. The performances of the group finder in grouping galaxies according to common halos and in halo mass assignments are tested using realistic mock samples constructed from hydrodynamical simulations and empirical models of galaxy occupation in dark matter halos. Our group finder finds $sim 94%$ of the correct true member galaxies for $90-95%$ of the groups in the mock samples; the halo masses assigned by the group finder are un-biased with respect to the true halo masses, and have a typical uncertainty of $sim0.2,{rm dex}$. The properties of group catalogs constructed from the observational samples are described and compared with other similar catalogs in the literature.
