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(Higgs) vacuum decay during inflation

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 Added by Alberto Salvio
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We develop the formalism for computing gravitational corrections to vacuum decay from de Sitter space as a sub-Planckian perturbative expansion. Non-minimal coupling to gravity can be encoded in an effective potential. The Coleman bounce continuously deforms into the Hawking-Moss bounce, until they coincide for a critical value of the Hubble constant. As an application, we reconsider the decay of the electroweak Higgs vacuum during inflation. Our vacuum decay computation reproduces and improves bounds on the maximal inflationary Hubble scale previously computed through statistical techniques.

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131 - Sung Mook Lee , Kin-ya Oda , 2020
We propose a scenario of spontaneous leptogenesis in Higgs inflation with help from two additional operators: the Weinberg operator (Dim 5) and the derivative coupling of the Higgs field and the current of lepton number (Dim 6). The former is responsible for lepton number violation and the latter induces chemical potential for lepton number. The period of rapidly changing Higgs field, naturally realized in Higgs inflation during the reheating, allows large enhancement in the produced asymmetry in lepton number, which is eventually converted into baryon asymmetry of the universe. This scenario is compatible with high reheating temperature of Higgs inflation model.
As suggested by the swampland conjectures, de Sitter (dS) space might be highly unstable if it exists at all. During inflation, the short-lived dS states will decay through a cascade of the first-order phase transition (PT). We find that the gravitational waves (GWs) yielded by such a PT will be reddened by subsequent dS expansion, which may result in a slightly red-tilt stochastic GWs background at low-frequency band, compatible with the NANOGrav 12.5-yr result.
We consider the introduction of a complex scalar field carrying a global lepton number charge to the Standard Model and the Higgs inflation framework. The conditions are investigated under which this model can simultaneously ensure Higgs vacuum stability up to the Planck scale, successful inflation, non-thermal Leptogenesis via the pendulum mechanism, and light neutrino masses. These can be simultaneously achieved when the scalar lepton is minimally coupled to gravity, that is, when standard Higgs inflation and reheating proceed without the interference of the additional scalar degrees of freedom. If the scalar lepton also has a non-minimal coupling to gravity, a multi-field inflation scenario is induced, with interesting interplay between the successful inflation constraints and those from vacuum stability and Leptogenesis. The parameter region that can simultaneously achieve the above goals is explored.
In this work we study the imprints of a primordial cosmic string on inflationary power spectrum. Cosmic string induces two distinct contributions on curvature perturbations power spectrum. The first type of correction respects the translation invariance while violating isotropy. This generates quadrupolar statistical anisotropy in CMB maps which is constrained by the Planck data. The second contribution breaks both homogeneity and isotropy, generating a dipolar power asymmetry in variance of temperature fluctuations with its amplitude falling on small scales. We show that the strongest constraint on the tension of string is obtained from the quadrupolar anisotropy and argue that the mass scale of underlying theory responsible for the formation of string can not be much higher than the GUT scale. The predictions of string for the diagonal and off-diagonal components of CMB angular power spectrum are presented.
169 - Ian Huston , Karim A. Malik 2011
We numerically calculate the evolution of second order cosmological perturbations for an inflationary scalar field without resorting to the slow-roll approximation or assuming large scales. In contrast to previous approaches we therefore use the full non-slow-roll source term for the second order Klein-Gordon equation which is valid on all scales. The numerical results are consistent with the ones obtained previously where slow-roll is a good approximation. We investigate the effect of localised features in the scalar field potential which break slow-roll for some portion of the evolution. The numerical package solving the second order Klein-Gordon equation has been released under an open source license and is available for download.
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