Minimal area surfaces in AdS$_3$ through integrability

Abstract in English

Minimal area surfaces in AdS$_3$ ending on a given curve at the boundary are dual to planar Wilson loops in N=4 SYM. In previous work it was shown that the problem of finding such surfaces can be recast as the one of finding an appropriate parameterization of the boundary contour that corresponds to conformal gauge. A. Dekel was able to find such reparameterization in a perturbative expansion around a circular contour. In this work we show that for more general contours such reparameterization can be found using a numerical procedure that does not rely on a perturbative expansion. This provides further checks and applications of the integrability method. An interesting property of the method is that it uses as data the Schwarzian derivative of the contour and therefore it has manifest global conformal invariance. Finally, we apply Shanks transformation to extend the near circular expansion to larger deformations, the results are in agreement with the new method.
