Spatially and time-resolved imaging of transport of indirect excitons in high magnetic fields

Abstract in English

We present the direct measurements of magnetoexciton transport. Excitons give the opportunity to realize the high magnetic field regime for composite bosons with magnetic fields of a few Tesla. Long lifetimes of indirect excitons allow the study kinetics of magnetoexciton transport with time-resolved optical imaging of exciton photoluminescence. We performed spatially, spectrally, and time-resolved optical imaging of transport of indirect excitons in high magnetic fields. We observed that increasing magnetic field slows down magnetoexciton transport. The time-resolved measurements of the magnetoexciton transport distance allowed for an experimental estimation of the magnetoexciton diffusion coefficient. An enhancement of the exciton photoluminescence energy at the laser excitation spot was found to anti-correlate with the exciton transport distance. A theoretical model of indirect magnetoexciton transport is presented and is in agreement with the experimental data.
