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Generation of micro-J pulses in the deep UV at MHz repetition rates

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 Added by Felix K\\\"ottig
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Although ultraviolet (UV) light is important in many areas of science and technology, there are very few if any lasers capable of delivering wavelength-tunable ultrashort UV pulses at MHz repetition rates. Here we report the generation of deep-UV laser pulses at MHz repetition rates and mu J-energies by means of dispersive wave (DW) emission from self-compressed solitons in gas-filled single-ring hollow-core photonic crystal fiber (SR-PCF). Pulses from an ytterbium fiber laser (~300 fs) are first compressed to ~25 fs in a SR-PCF-based nonlinear compression stage, and subsequently used to pump a second SR-PCF stage for broadband DW generation in the deep UV. The UV wavelength is tunable by selecting the gas species and the pressure. At 100 kHz repetition rate, a pulse energy of 1.05 mu J was obtained at 205 nm (average power 0.1 W), and at 1.92 MHz, a pulse energy of 0.54 mu J was obtained at 275 nm (average power 1.03 W).

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The generation of coherent light pulses in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectral region with attosecond pulse durations constitutes the foundation of the field of attosecond science. Twenty years after the first demonstration of isolated attosecond pulses, they continue to be a unique tool enabling the observation and control of electron dynamics in atoms, molecules and solids. It has long been identified that an increase in the repetition rate of attosecond light sources is necessary for many applications in atomic and molecular physics, surface science, and imaging. Although high harmonic generation (HHG) at repetition rates exceeding 100 kHz, showing a continuum in the cut-off region of the XUV spectrum was already demonstrated in 2013, the number of photons per pulse was insufficient to perform pulse characterisation via attosecond streaking, let alone to perform a pump-probe experiment. Here we report on the generation and full characterisation of XUV attosecond pulses via HHG driven by near-single-cycle pulses at a repetition rate of 100 kHz. The high number of 10^6 XUV photons per pulse on target enables attosecond electron streaking experiments through which the XUV pulses are determined to consist of a dominant single attosecond pulse. These results open the door for attosecond pump-probe spectroscopy studies at a repetition rate one or two orders of magnitude above current implementations.
Electro-optical detection has proven to be a valuable technique to study temporal profiles of THz pulses with pulse durations down to femtoseconds. As the Coulomb field around a relativistic electron bunch resembles the current profile, electro-optical detection can be exploited for non-invasive bunch length measurements at accelerators. We have developed a very compact and robust electro-optical detection system based on spectral decoding for bunch length monitoring at the European XFEL with single-shot resolution better than 200~fs. Apart from the GaP crystal and the corresponding laser optics at the electron beamline, all components are housed in 19 chassis for rack mount and remote operation inside the accelerator tunnel. An advanced laser synchronization scheme based on radio-frequency down-conversion has been developed for locking a custom-made Yb-fiber laser to the radio-frequency of the European XFEL accelerator. In order to cope with the high bunch repetition rate of the superconducting accelerator, a novel linear array detector (KALYPSO) has been employed for spectral measurements of the Yb-fiber laser pulses at frame rates of up to 2.26~MHz. In this paper, we describe all sub-systems of the electro-optical detection system as well as the measurement procedure in detail, and discuss first measurement results of longitudinal bunch profiles of around 400~fs (rms) with an arrival-time jitter of 35~fs (rms).
Dispersive wave emission (DWE) in gas-filled hollow-core dielectric waveguides is a promising source of tuneable coherent and broadband radiation, but so far the generation of few-femtosecond pulses using this technique has not been demonstrated. Using in-vacuum frequency-resolved optical gating, we directly characterise tuneable 3fs pulses in the deep ultraviolet generated via DWE. Through numerical simulations, we identify that the use of a pressure gradient in the waveguide is critical for the generation of short pulses.
Supercontinuum (SC) generation based on ultrashort pulse compression constitutes one of the most promising technologies towards an ultra-wide bandwidth, high-brightness and spatially coherent light sources for applications such as spectroscopy and microscopy. Here, multi-octave SC generation in a gas-filled hollow-core antiresonant fiber (HC-ARF) is reported spanning from 200 nm in the deep ultraviolet (DUV) to 4000 nm in the mid-infrared (mid-IR). A measured average output power of 5 mW was obtained by pumping at the center wavelength of the first anti-resonance transmission window (2460 nm) with ~100 fs pulses and an injected pulse energy of ~7-8 {mu}J. The mechanism behind the extreme spectral broadening relies upon intense soliton-plasma nonlinear dynamics which leads to efficient soliton self-compression and phase-matched dispersive wave (DW) emission in the DUV region. The strongest DW is observed at 275 nm having an estimated pulse energy of 1.42 {mu}J, corresponding to 28.4 % of the total output energy. Furthermore, the effect of changing the pump pulse energy and gas pressure on the nonlinear dynamics and their direct impact on SC generation was investigated. The current work paves a new way towards novel investigations of gas-based ultrafast nonlinear optics in the emerging mid-IR spectral regime.
Over the past years, ultrafast lasers with average powers in the 100 W range have become a mature technology, with a multitude of applications in science and technology. Nonlinear temporal compression of these lasers to few- or even single-cycle duration is often essential, yet still hard to achieve, in particular at high repetition rates. Here we report a two-stage system for compressing pulses from a 1030 nm ytterbium fiber laser to single-cycle durations with 5 ${mu}$J output pulse energy at 9.6 MHz repetition rate. In the first stage, the laser pulses are compressed from 340 to 25 fs by spectral broadening in a krypton-filled single-ring photonic crystal fiber (SR-PCF), subsequent phase compensation being achieved with chirped mirrors. In the second stage, the pulses are further compressed to single-cycle duration by soliton-effect self-compression in a neon-filled SR-PCF. We estimate a pulse duration of ~3.4 fs at the fiber output by numerically back-propagating the measured pulses. Finally, we directly measured a pulse duration of 3.8 fs (1.25 optical cycles) after compensating (using chirped mirrors) the dispersion introduced by the optical elements after the fiber, more than 50% of the total pulse energy being in the main peak. The system can produce compressed pulses with peak powers >0.6 GW and a total transmission exceeding 70%.
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