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Interaction between magnetic moments and itinerant carriers in d0 ferromagnetic SiC

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 Added by Shengqiang Zhou
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Elucidating the interaction between magnetic moments and itinerant carriers is an important step to spintronic applications. Here, we investigate magnetic and transport properties in d0 ferromagnetic SiC single crystals prepared by postimplantation pulsed laser annealing. Magnetic moments are contributed by the p states of carbon atoms, but their magnetic circular dichroism is different from that in semi-insulating SiC samples. The anomalous Hall effect and negative magnetoresistance indicate the influence of d0 spin order on free carriers. The ferromagnetism is relatively weak in N-implanted SiC compared with that in Al-implanted SiC after annealing. The results suggest that d0 magnetic moments and itinerant carriers can interact with each other, which will facilitate the development of SiC spintronic devices with d0 ferromagnetism.

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Based on experimental 59Co-NMR data in the temperature range between 0.1 and 300 K, we address the problem of the character of the Co 3d-electron based magnetism in Na0.7CoO2. Temperature dependent 59Co-NMR spectra reveal different Co environments below 300 K and their differentiation increases with decreasing temperature. We show that the 23Na- and 59Co-NMR data may consistently be interpreted by assuming that below room temperature the Co 3d-electrons are itinerant. Their magnetic interaction appears to favor an antiferromagnetic coupling, and we identify a substantial orbital contribution corb to the d-electron susceptibility. At low temperatures corb seems to acquire some temperature dependence, suggesting an increasing influence of spin-orbit coupling. The temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rate T1-1(T) confirms significant variations in the dynamics of this electronic subsystem between 200 and 300K, as previously suggested. Below 200 K, Na0.7CoO2 may be viewed as a weak antiferromagnet with TN below 1 K but this scenario still leaves a number of open questions.
198 - K. Kikoin 2008
The state of art in the theoretical and experimental studies of transition metal doped oxides (dilute magnetic dielectrics) is reviewed. The available data show that the generic non-equilibrium state of oxide films doped with magnetic impurities may either favor ferromagnetism with high Curie temperature or result in highly inhomogeneous state without long-range magnetic order. In both case concomitant defects (vacancies, interstitial ions play crucial part.
Investigations of photoluminescence (PL) in the magnetic field of quantum structures based on the ZnSe quantum well with asymmetrical ZnBeMnSe and ZnBeSe barriers reveal that the introduction of Be into semimagnetic ZnMnSe causes a decrease of the exchange integrals for conductive and valence bands as well as the forming of a complex based on Mn, degeneration of an energy level of which with the energy levels of the V band of ZnBeMnSe or ZnSe results in spin-flip electron transitions.
Graphene has been identified as a promising material with numerous applications, particularly in spintronics. In this paper we investigate the peculiar features of spin excitations of magnetic units deposited on graphene nanoribbons and how they can couple through a dynamical interaction mediated by spin currents. We examine in detail the spin lifetimes and identify a pattern caused by vanishing density of states sites in pristine ribbons with armchair borders. Impurities located on these sites become practically invisible to the interaction, but can be made accessible by a gate voltage or doping. We also demonstrate that the coupling between impurities can be turned on or off using this characteristic, which may be used to control the transfer of information in transistor-like devices.
The electronic and magnetic properties of Fe atoms in the ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)As codoped with Be have been studied by x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) at the Fe $L_{2,3}$ edge. The XAS and XMCD spectra showed simple spectral line shapes similar to Fe metal, but the ratio of the orbital and spin magnetic moments ($M_mathrm{orb}$/$M_mathrm{spin}$) estimated using the XMCD sum rules was significantly larger than that of Fe metal, indicating a significant orbital moment of Fe $3d$ electrons in (In,Fe)As:Be. The positive value of $M_mathrm{orb}$/$M_mathrm{spin}$ implies that the Fe $3d$ shell is more than half-filled, which arises from the hybridization of the Fe$^{3+}$ ($d^5$) state with the charge-transfer $d^6underline{L}$ states, where $underline{L}$ is a ligand hole in the host valence band. The XMCD intensity as a function of magnetic field indicated hysteretic behavior of the superparamagnetic-like component due to discrete ferromagnetic domains.
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