Double-Weyl phonons in transition-metal monosilicides

Abstract in English

Topological states of electrons and photons have attracted significant interest recently. Topological mechanical states also being actively explored, have been limited to macroscopic systems of kHz frequency. The discovery of topological phonons of atomic vibrations at THz frequency can provide a new venue for studying heat transfer, phonon scattering and electron-phonon interaction. Here, we employed ab initio calculations to identify a class of noncentrosymmetric materials of $M$Si ($M$=Fe,Co,Mn,Re,Ru) having double Weyl points in both their acoustic and optical phonon spectra. They exhibit novel topological points termed spin-1 Weyl point at the Brillouin zone~(BZ) center and charge-2 Dirac point at the zone corner. The corresponding gapless surface phonon dispersions are double helicoidal sheets whose isofrequency contours form a single non-contractible loop in the surface BZ. In addition, the global structure of the surface bands can be analytically expressed as double-periodic Weierstrass elliptic functions. Our prediction of topological bulk and surface phonons can be experimentally verified by neutron scattering and electron energy loss spectroscopy, opening brand new directions for topological phononics.
