ALMA reveals sequential high-mass star formation in the G9.62+0.19 complex

Abstract in English

Stellar feedback from high-mass stars (e.g., H{sc ii} regions) can strongly influence the surrounding interstellar medium and regulate star formation. Our new ALMA observations reveal sequential high-mass star formation taking place within one sub-virial filamentary clump (the G9.62 clump) in the G9.62+0.19 complex. The 12 dense cores (MM 1-12) detected by ALMA are at very different evolutionary stages, from starless core phase to UC H{sc ii} region phase. Three dense cores (MM6, MM7/G, MM8/F) are associated with outflows. The mass-velocity diagrams of outflows associated with MM7/G and MM8/F can be well fitted with broken power laws. The mass-velocity diagram of SiO outflow associated with MM8/F breaks much earlier than other outflow tracers (e.g., CO, SO, CS, HCN), suggesting that SiO traces newly shocked gas, while the other molecular lines (e.g., CO, SO, CS, HCN) mainly trace the ambient gas continuously entrained by outflow jets. Five cores (MM1, MM3, MM5, MM9, MM10) are massive starless core candidates whose masses are estimated to be larger than 25 M$_{sun}$, assuming a dust temperature of $leq$ 20 K. The shocks from the expanding H{sc ii} regions (B & C) to the west may have great impact on the G9.62 clump through compressing it into a filament and inducing core collapse successively, leading to sequential star formation. Our findings suggest that stellar feedback from H{sc ii} regions may enhance the star formation efficiency and suppress the low-mass star formation in adjacent pre-existing massive clumps.
