Generation of bright laser-like coherent emissions from nitrogen molecular ions in intense infrared laser fields: A unique quantum system for extreme nonlinear optics

Abstract in English

We report on an investigation of simultaneous generation of several narrow-bandwidth laser-like coherent emissions from nitrogen molecular ions ( ) produced in intense mid-infrared laser fields. With systematic examinations on the dependences of coherent emissions on gas pressure as well as several laser parameters including laser intensity, polarization and wavelength of the pump laser pulses, we reveal that the multiple coherent emission lines generated in originate from a series of nonlinear processes beginning with four-wave mixing, followed with stimulated Raman scattering. Our analyses further show that the observed nonlinear processes are greatly enhanced at the resonant wavelengths, giving rise to high conversion efficiencies from the infrared pump laser pulses to the coherent emission lines near the transition wavelengths between the different vibrational energy levels of ground X and that of the excited B states.
