Identification of the white dwarf companion to millisecond pulsar J2317+1439

Abstract in English

We report identification of the optical counterpart to the companion of the millisecond pulsar J2317+1439. At the timing position of the pulsar, we find an object with $g=22.96pm0.05$, $r=22.86pm0.04$ and $i=22.82pm0.05$. The magnitudes and colors of the object are consistent with it being a white dwarf. By comparing with white dwarf cooling models, we estimate that it has a mass of $0.39^{+0.13}_{-0.10}$ M$_{odot}$, an effective temperature of $8077^{+550}_{-470}$ K and a cooling age of $10.9pm0.3$ Gyr. Combining our results with published constraints on the orbital parameters obtained through pulsar timing, we estimate the pulsar mass to be $3.4^{+1.4}_{-1.1}$ M$_{odot}$. Although the constraint on the pulsar mass is still weak, there is a significant possibility that the pulsar could be more massive than two solar mass.
