Pathwise differentiability of reflected diffusions in convex polyhedral domains

Abstract in English

Reflected diffusions in convex polyhedral domains arise in a variety of applications, including interacting particle systems, queueing networks, biochemical reaction networks and mathematical finance. Under suitable conditions on the data, we establish pathwise differentiability of such a reflected diffusion with respect to its defining parameters --- namely, its initial condition, drift and diffusion coefficients, and (oblique) directions of reflection along the boundary of the domain. We characterize the right-continuous regularization of a pathwise derivative of the reflected diffusion as the pathwise unique solution to a constrained linear stochastic differential equation with jumps whose drift and diffusion coefficients, domain and directions of reflection depend on the state of the reflected diffusion. The proof of this result relies on properties of directional derivatives of the associated (extended) Skorokhod reflection map and their characterization in terms of a so-called derivative problem, and also involves establishing certain path properties of the reflected diffusion at nonsmooth parts of the boundary of the polyhedral domain, which may be of independent interest. As a corollary, we obtain a probabilistic representation for derivatives of expectations of functionals of reflected diffusions, which is useful for sensitivity analysis of reflected diffusions.
