Unusual ferroelectric and magnetic phases in multiferroic 2H-BaMnO$_3$ ceramics

Abstract in English

The structural phase transition in hexagonal BaMnO$_3$ occurring at $T_c$=130 K was studied in ceramic samples using electron and X-ray diffraction, second harmonic generation as well as by dielectric and lattice dynamic spectroscopies. The low-temperature phase (space group $P6_{3}cm$) is ferroelectric with a triplicated unit cell. The phase transition is driven by an optical soft mode from the Brillouin-zone boundary [$q = (frac{1}{3},frac{1}{3},0)$]; this mode activates in infrared and Raman spectra below $T_c$ and it hardens according to the Cochran law. Upon cooling below $T_c$, the permittivity exhibits an unusual linear increase with temperature; below 60 K, in turn, a frequency-dependent decrease is observed, which can be explained by slowing-down of ferroelectric domain wall motions. Based on our data we could not distinguish whether the high-temperature phase is paraelectric or polar (space groups $P6_{3}/mmc$ or $P6_{3}mc$, respectively). Both variants of the phase transition to the ferroelectric phase are discussed based on the Landau theory. Electron paramagnetic resonance and magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal an onset of one-dimensional antiferromagnetic ordering below $approx220,rm K$ which develops fully near 140 K and, below $T_{n} approx 59,rm K$, it transforms into a three-dimensional antiferromagnetic order.
