An efficient tight-binding mode-space NEGF model enabling up to million atoms III-V nanowire MOSFETs and TFETs simulations

Abstract in English

We report the capability to simulate in a quantum mechanical tight-binding (TB) atomistic fashion NW devices featuring several hundred to millions of atoms and diameter up to 18 nm. Such simulations go far beyond what is typically affordable with todays supercomputers using a traditional real space (RS) TB Hamiltonian technique. We have employed an innovative TB mode space (MS) technique instead and demonstrate large speedup (up to 10,000x) while keeping good accuracy (error smaller than 1 percent) compared to the RS NEGF method. Such technique and capability open new avenues to explore and understand the physics of nanoscale and mesoscopic devices dominated by quantum effects. In particular, our method addresses in an unprecedented way the technological relevant case of band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) in III-V nanowire MOSFETs and broken gap heterojunction tunnel-FETs (TFETs). We demonstrate an accurate match of simulated BTBT currents to experimental measurements in a [111] InAs NW having a 12 nm diameter and a 300 nm long channel. We apply the predictivity of our TB MS simulations and report an in-depth atomistic study of the scaling potential of III-V GAA nanowire heterojunction n and pTFETs quantifying the benefits of this technology for low-power, low-voltage CMOS application. At VDD = 0.3 V and IOFF = 50 pA/um, the on-current (Ion) and energy-delay product (ETP) gain over a Si NW GAA MOSFET are 58x and 56x respectively.
