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We analyze, from a quantum information theory perspective, the possibility of realizing a SU(4) entangled Kondo regime in semiconductor double quantum dot devices. We focus our analysis on the ground state properties and consider the general experimental situation where the coupling parameters of the two quantum dots differ. We model each quantum dot with an Anderson type Hamiltonian including an interdot Coulomb repulsion and tunnel couplings for each quantum dot to independent fermionic baths. We find that the spin and pseudospin entanglements can be made equal, and the SU(4) symmetry recovered, if the gate voltages are chosen in such a way that the average charge occupancies of the two quantum dots are equal, and the double occupancy on the double quantum dot is suppressed. We present density matrix renormalization group numerical results for the spin and pseudospin entanglement entropies, and analytical results for a simplified model that captures the main physics of the problem.
Central to condensed matter physics are quantum impurity models, which describe how a local degree of freedom interacts with a continuum. Surprisingly, these models are often universal in that they can quantitatively describe many outwardly unrelated physical systems. Here we develop a double quantum dot-based experimental realization of the SU(4) Kondo model, which describes the maximally symmetric screening of a local four-fold degeneracy. As demonstrated through transport measurements and detailed numerical renormalization group calculations, our device affords exquisite control over orbital and spin physics. Because the two quantum dots are coupled only capacitively, we can achieve orbital state- or pseudospin-resolved bias spectroscopy, providing intimate access to the interplay of spin and orbital Kondo effects. This cannot be achieved in the few other systems realizing the SU(4) Kondo state.
We calculate the spectral density and occupations of a system of two capacitively coupled quantum dots, each one connected to its own pair of conducting leads, in a regime of parameters in which the total coupling to the leads for each dot $Gamma_i$ are different. The system has been used recently to perform pseudospin spectroscopy by controlling independently the voltages of the four leads. For an odd number of electrons in the system, $Gamma_1=Gamma_2$, equal dot levels $E_1=E_2$ and sufficiently large interdot repulsion $U_{12}$ the system lies in the SU(4) symmetric point of spin and pseudospin degeneracy in the Kondo regime. In the more realistic case $Gamma_1 eq Gamma_2$, pseudospin degeneracy is broken and the symmetry is reduced to SU(2). Nevertheless we find that the essential features of the SU(4) symmetric case are recovered by appropriately tuning the level difference $delta=E_2-E_1$. The system behaves as an SU(4) Kondo one at low energies. Our results are relevant for experiments which look for signatures of SU(4) symmetry in the Kondo regime of similar systems.
We investigate the spin-resolved transport properties, such as the linear conductance and the tunnel magnetoresistance, of a double quantum dot device attached to ferromagnetic leads and look for signatures of SU(4) symmetry in the Kondo regime. We show that the transport behavior greatly depends on the magnetic configuration of the device, and the spin-SU(2) as well as the orbital and spin-SU(4) Kondo effects become generally suppressed when the magnetic configuration of the leads varies from the antiparallel to the parallel one. Furthermore, a finite spin polarization of the leads lifts the spin degeneracy and drives the system from the SU(4) to an orbital-SU(2) Kondo state. We analyze in detail the crossover and show that the Kondo temperature between the two fixed points has a non-monotonic dependence on the degree of spin polarization of the leads. In terms of methods used, we characterize transport by using a combination of analytical and numerical renormalization group approaches.
A double quantum dot device is a tunable two-level system for electronic energy states. A dc electron current directly measures the rates for elastic and inelastic transitions between the two levels. For inelastic transitions energy is exchanged with bosonic degrees of freedom in the environment. The inelastic transition rates are well described by the Einstein coefficients, relating absorption with stimulated and spontaneous emission. The most effectively coupled bosons in the specific environment of our semiconductor device are acoustic phonons. The experiments demonstrate the importance of vacuum fluctuations in the environment for little circuits of coherent quantum devices.
We calculate the nonequilibrium conductance of a system of two capacitively coupled quantum dots, each one connected to its own pair of conducting leads. The system has been used recently to perform pseudospin spectroscopy by controlling independently the voltages of the four leads. The pseudospin is defined by the orbital occupation of one or the other dot. Starting from the SU(4) symmetric point of spin and pseudospin degeneracy in the Kondo regime, for an odd number of electrons in the system, we show how the conductance through each dot varies as the symmetry is reduced to SU(2) by a pseudo-Zeeman splitting, and as bias voltages are applied to any of the dots. We analize the expected behavior of the system in general, and predict characteristic fingerprint features of the SU(4) to SU(2) crossover that have not been observed so far.