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Clustering of quasars in a wide luminosity range at redshift 4 with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam wide field imaging

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 Added by Wanqiu He
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We examine the clustering of quasars over a wide luminosity range, by utilizing 901 quasars at $overline{z}_{rm phot}sim3.8$ with $-24.73<M_{rm 1450}<-22.23$ photometrically selected from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP) S16A Wide2 date release and 342 more luminous quasars at $3.4<z_{rm spec}<4.6$ having $-28.0<M_{rm 1450}<-23.95$ from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) that fall in the HSC survey fields. We measure the bias factors of two quasar samples by evaluating the cross-correlation functions (CCFs) between the quasar samples and 25790 bright $zsim4$ Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) in $M_{rm 1450}<-21.25$ photometrically selected from the HSC dataset. Over an angular scale of timeform{10.0} to timeform{1000.0}, the bias factors are $5.93^{+1.34}_{-1.43}$ and $2.73^{+2.44}_{-2.55}$ for the low and high luminosity quasars, respectively, indicating no luminosity dependence of quasar clustering at $zsim4$. It is noted that the bias factor of the luminous quasars estimated by the CCF is smaller than that estimated by the auto-correlation function (ACF) over a similar redshift range, especially on scales below timeform{40.0}. Moreover, the bias factor of the less-luminous quasars implies the minimal mass of their host dark matter halos (DMHs) is $0.3$-$2times10^{12}h^{-1}M_{odot}$, corresponding to a quasar duty cycle of $0.001$-$0.06$.

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We present the physical properties of AKARI sources without optical counterparts in optical images from the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) on the Subaru telescope. Using the AKARI infrared (IR) source catalog and HSC optical catalog, we select 583 objects that do not have HSC counterparts in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) wide survey field ($sim 5$ deg$^{2}$). Because the HSC limiting magnitude is deep ($g_{rm AB}$ $sim 28.6$), these are good candidates for extremely red star-forming galaxies (SFGs) and/or active galactic nuclei (AGNs), possibly at high redshifts. We compile multi-wavelength data out to 500 $mu$m and use it for Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) fitting with CIGALE to investigate the physical properties of AKARI galaxies without optical counterparts. We also compare their physical quantities with AKARI mid-IR selected galaxies with HSC counterparts. The estimated redshifts of AKARI objects without HSC counterparts range up to $zsim 4$, significantly higher than that of AKARI objects with HSC counterparts. We find that: (i) 3.6 $-$ 4.5 $mu$m color, (ii) AGN luminosity, (iii) stellar mass, (iv) star formation rate, and (v) $V$-band dust attenuation in the interstellar medium of AKARI objects without HSC counterparts are systematically larger than those of AKARI objects with counterparts. These results suggest that our sample includes luminous, heavily dust-obscured SFGs/AGNs at $zsim 1-4$ that are missed by previous optical surveys, providing very interesting targets for the coming James Webb Space Telescope era.
The $AKARI$ space infrared telescope has performed near- to mid-infrared (MIR) observations on the North Ecliptic Pole Wide (NEPW) field (5.4 deg$^2$) for about one year. $AKARI$ took advantage of its continuous nine photometric bands, compared with NASAs $Spitzer$ and WISE space telescopes, which had only four filters with a wide gap in the MIR. The $AKARI$ NEPW field lacked deep and homogeneous optical data, limiting the use of nearly half of the IR sources for extra-galactic studies owing to the absence of photometric redshifts (photo-zs). To remedy this, we have recently obtained deep optical imaging over the NEPW field with 5 bands ($g$, $r$, $i$, $z$, and $Y$) of the Hyper Suprime-Camera (HSC) on the Subaru 8m telescope. We optically identify AKARI-IR sources along with supplementary $Spitzer$ and WISE data as well as pre-existing optical data. In this work, we derive new photo-zs using a $chi^2$ template-fitting method code ($Le$ $Phare$) and reliable photometry from 26 selected filters including HSC, $AKARI$, CFHT, Maidanak, KPNO, $Spitzer$ and WISE data. We take 2026 spectroscopic redshifts (spec-z) from all available spectroscopic surveys over the NEPW to calibrate and assess the accuracy of the photo-zs. At z < 1.5, we achieve a weighted photo-z dispersion of $sigma_{Delta{z/(1+z)}}$ = 0.053 with $eta$ = 11.3% catastrophic errors.
The extragalactic background suggests half the energy generated by stars reprocessed into the infrared (IR) by dust. At z$sim$1.3, 90% of star formation is obscured by dust. To fully understand the cosmic star formation history, it is critical to investigate infrared emission. AKARI has made deep mid-IR observation using its continuous 9-band filters in the NEP field (5.4 deg$^2$), using $sim$10% of the entire pointed observations available throughout its lifetime. However, there remain 11,000 AKARIs infrared sources undetected with the previous CFHT/Megacam imaging ($rsim$25.9ABmag). Redshift and IR luminosity of these sources are unknown. These sources may contribute significantly to the cosmic star-formation rate density (CSFRD). For example, if they all lie at 1$<z<$2, the CSFRD will be twice as high at the epoch. We are carrying out deep imaging of the NEP field in 5 broad bands ($g,r,i,z,$ and $y$) using Hyper Suprime-Camera (HSC), which has 1.5 deg field of view in diameter on Subaru 8m telescope. This will provide photometric redshift information, and thereby IR luminosity for the previously-undetected 11,000 faint AKARI IR sources. Combined with AKARIs mid-IR AGN/SF diagnosis, and accurate mid-IR luminosity measurement, this will allow a complete census of cosmic star-formation/AGN accretion history obscured by dust.
We report the discovery of a new ultra-faint dwarf satellite companion of the Milky Way based on the early survey data from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program. This new satellite, Virgo I, which is located in the constellation of Virgo, has been identified as a statistically significant (5.5 sigma) spatial overdensity of star-like objects with a well-defined main sequence and red giant branch in their color-magnitude diagram. The significance of this overdensity increases to 10.8 sigma when the relevant isochrone filter is adopted for the search. Based on the distribution of the stars around the likely main sequence turn-off at r ~ 24 mag, the distance to Virgo I is estimated as 87 kpc, and its most likely absolute magnitude calculated from a Monte Carlo analysis is M_V = -0.8 +/- 0.9 mag. This stellar system has an extended spatial distribution with a half-light radius of 38 +12/-11 pc, which clearly distinguishes it from a globular cluster with comparable luminosity. Thus, Virgo I is one of the faintest dwarf satellites known and is located beyond the reach of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This demonstrates the power of this survey program to identify very faint dwarf satellites. This discovery of VirgoI is based only on about 100 square degrees of data, thus a large number of faint dwarf satellites are likely to exist in the outer halo of the Milky Way.
Galaxy clusters provide an excellent probe in various research fields in astrophysics and cosmology. However, the number of galaxy clusters detected so far in the $AKARI$ North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) field is limited. In this work, we provide galaxy cluster candidates in the $AKARI$ NEP field with the minimum requisites based only on coordinates and photometric redshift (photo-$z$) of galaxies. We used galaxies detected in 5 optical bands ($g$, $r$, $i$, $z$, and $Y$) by the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC), assisted with $u$-band from Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) MegaPrime/MegaCam, and IRAC1 and IRAC2 bands from the $Spitzer$ space telescope for photo-$z$ estimation. We calculated the local density around every galaxy using the 10$^{th}$-nearest neighbourhood. Cluster candidates were determined by applying the friends-of-friends algorithm to over-densities. 88 cluster candidates containing 4390 member galaxies below redshift 1.1 in 5.4 deg$^2$ have been detected. The reliability of our method was examined through false detection tests, redshift uncertainty tests, and applications on the COSMOS data, giving false detection rates of 0.01 to 0.05 and recovery rate of 0.9 at high richness. 3 X-ray clusters previously observed by $ROSAT$ and $Chandra$ were recovered. The cluster galaxies show higher stellar mass and lower star formation rate (SFR) compared to the field galaxies in two-sample Z-tests. These cluster candidates are useful for environmental studies of galaxy evolution and future astronomical surveys in the NEP, where $AKARI$ has performed unique 9-band mid-infrared photometry for tens of thousands of galaxies.
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