Fates of the dense cores formed by fragmentation of filaments: do they fragment again or not?

Abstract in English

Fragmentation of filaments into dense cores is thought to be an important step in forming stars. The bar-mode instability of spherically collapsing cores found in previous linear analysis invokes a possibility of re-fragmentation of the cores due to their ellipsoidal (prolate or oblate) deformation. To investigate this possibility, here we perform three-dimensional self-gravitational hydrodynamics simulations that follow all the way from filament fragmentation to subsequent core collapse. We assume the gas is polytropic with index gamma, which determines the stability of the bar-mode. For the case that the fragmentation of isolated hydrostatic filaments is triggered by the most unstable fragmentation mode, we find the bar mode grows as collapse proceeds if gamma < 1.1, in agreement with the linear analysis. However, it takes more than ten orders-of-magnitude increase in the central density for the distortion to become non-linear. In addition to this fiducial case, we also study non-fiducial ones such as the fragmentation is triggered by a fragmentation mode with a longer wavelength and it occurs during radial collapse of filaments and find the distortion rapidly grows. In most of astrophysical applications, the effective polytropic index of collapsing gas exceeds 1.1 before ten orders-of-magnitude increase in the central density. Thus, supposing the fiducial case of filament fragmentation, re-fragmentation of dense cores would not be likely and their final mass would be determined when the filaments fragment.
