Non-commutative crepant resolution of minimal nilpotent orbit closures of type A and Mukai flops

Abstract in English

In this article, we construct a non-commutative crepant resolution (=NCCR) of a minimal nilpotent orbit closure $overline{B(1)}$ of type A, and study relations between an NCCR and crepant resolutions $Y$ and $Y^+$ of $overline{B(1)}$. More precisely, we show that the NCCR is isomorphic to the path algebra of the double Beilinson quiver with certain relations and we reconstruct the crepant resolutions $Y$ and $Y^+$ of $overline{B(1)}$ as moduli spaces of representations of the quiver. We also study the Kawamata-Namikawas derived equivalence between crepant resolutions $Y$ and $Y^+$ of $overline{B(1)}$ in terms of an NCCR. We also show that the P-twist on the derived category of $Y$ corresponds to a certain operation of the NCCR, which we call multi-mutation, and that a multi-mutation is a composition of Iyama-Wemysss mutations.
