Vacuum Induced Coherence in Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Abstract in English

Vacuum induced coherence in a strongly coupled cavity consisting of a three-level system is studied theoretically. The effects of the strong coupling to electromagnetic field vacuum are examined by solution of an open-system quantum master equation. The numerical results show that the system exhibits population trapping, and the numerical results are interpreted with analytical expressions derived from a new basis in the weak excitation regime. We further show that the generated effects can be probed with weak external fields. Moreover, it is shown that the induced coherence can be controlled by the applied field parameters like field detuning. Finally, we study the trapping dynamics in the strong field excitation regime, and also demonstrate that a recently proposed asymmetric pumping regime (limited to the weak coupling regime) can remove the radiative decay of coherent Rabi oscillations, with both weak and strong excitation fields.
