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Hexagonal FeSe thin films were grown on SrTiO3 substrates and the temperature and thickness dependence of their electronic structures were studied. The hexagonal FeSe is found to be metallic and electron doped, whose Fermi surface consists of six elliptical electron pockets. With decreased temperature, parts of the bands shift downward to high binding energy while some bands shift upwards to EF. The shifts of these bands begin around 300 K and saturate at low temperature, indicating a magnetic phase transition temperature of about 300 K. With increased film thickness, the Fermi surface topology and band structure show no obvious change except some minor quantum size effect. Our paper reports the first electronic structure of hexagonal FeSe, and shows that the possible magnetic transition is driven by large scale electronic structure reconstruction.
PtBi2 with a layered trigonal crystal structure was recently reported to exhibit an unconventional large linear magnetoresistance, while the mechanism involved is still elusive. Using high resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we present a systematic study on its bulk and surface electronic structure. Through careful comparison with first-principle calculations, our experiment distinguishes the low-lying bulk bands from entangled surface states, allowing the estimation of the real stoichiometry of samples. We find significant electron doping in PtBi2, implying a substantial Bi deficiency induced disorder therein. We discover a Dirac-cone-like surface state on the boundary of the Brillouin zone, which is identified as an accidental Dirac band without topological protection. Our findings exclude quantum-limit-induced linear band dispersion as the cause of the unconventional large linear magnetoresistance.
The electronic structure of FeSe thin films grown on SrTiO3 substrate is studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). We reveal the existence of Dirac cone band dispersions in FeSe thin films thicker than 1 Unit Cell below the nematic transition temperature, whose apex are located -10 meV below Fermi energy. The evolution of Dirac cone electronic structure for FeSe thin films as function of temperature, thickness and cobalt doping is systematically studied. The Dirac cones are found to be coexisted with the nematicity in FeSe, disappear when nematicity is suppressed. Our results provide some indication that the spin degrees of freedom may play some kind of role in the nematicity of FeSe.
We have performed soft x-ray and ultrahigh-resolution laser-excited photoemission measurements on tetragonal FeSe, which was recently identified as a superconductor. Energy dependent study of valence band is compared to band structure calculations and yields a reasonable assignment of partial densities of states. However, the sharp peak near the Fermi level slightly deviates from the calculated energy position, giving rise to the necessity of self-energy correction. We have also performed ultrahigh-resolution laser photoemission experiment on FeSe and observed the suppression of intensity around the Fermi level upon cooling.
FeSe${}_{0.45}$Te${}_{0.55}$ (FeSeTe) has recently emerged as a promising candidate to host topological superconductivity, with a Dirac surface state and signatures of Majorana bound states in vortex cores. However, correlations strongly renormalize the bands compared to electronic structure calculations, and there is no evidence for the expected bulk band inversion. We present here a comprehensive angle resolved photoemission (ARPES) study of FeSeTe as function of photon energies ranging from 15 - 100 eV. We find that although the top of bulk valence band shows essentially no $k_z$ dispersion, its normalized intensity exhibits a periodic variation with $k_z$. We show, using ARPES selection rules, that the intensity oscillation is a signature of band inversion indicating a change in the parity going from $Gamma$ to Z. Thus we provide the first direct evidence for a topologically non-trivial bulk band structure that supports protected surface states.
Using real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry, we directly observed a reversible lattice and electronic structure evolution in SrCoOx (x = 2.5 - 3) epitaxial thin films. Drastically different electronic ground states, which are extremely susceptible to the oxygen content x, are found in the two topotactic phases, i.e. the brownmillerite SrCoO2.5 and the perovskite SrCoO3. First principles calculations confirmed substantial differences in the electronic structure, including a metal-insulator transition, which originates from the modification in the Co valence states and crystallographic structures. More interestingly, the two phases can be reversibly controlled by changing the ambient pressure at greatly reduced temperatures. Our finding provides an important pathway to understanding the novel oxygen-content-dependent phase transition uniquely found in multivalent transition metal oxides.