Bound state equation for the Nakanishi weight function

Abstract in English

The bound state Bethe-Salpeter amplitude was expressed by Nakanishi using a two-dimensional integral representation, in terms of a smooth weight function $g$, which carries the detailed dynamical information. A similar, but one-dimensional, integral representation can be obtained for the Light-Front wave function in terms of the same weight function $g$. By using the generalized Stieltjes transform, we first obtain $g$ in terms of the Light-Front wave function in the complex plane of its arguments. Next, a new integral equation for the Nakanishi weight function $g$ is derived for a bound state case. It has the standard form $g= N g$, where $N$ is a two-dimensional integral operator. We give the prescription for obtaining the kernel $ N$ starting with the kernel $K$ of the Bethe-Salpeter equation. The derivation is valid for any kernel given by an irreducible Feynman amplitude.
