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Minimal excitation states for heat transport in driven quantum Hall systems

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 Added by Luca Vannucci
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate minimal excitation states for heat transport into a fractional quantum Hall system driven out of equilibrium by means of time-periodic voltage pulses. A quantum point contact allows for tunneling of fractional quasi-particles between opposite edge states, thus acting as a beam splitter in the framework of the electron quantum optics. Excitations are then studied through heat and mixed noise generated by the random partitioning at the barrier. It is shown that levitons, the single-particle excitations of a filled Fermi sea recently observed in experiments, represent the cleanest states for heat transport, since excess heat and mixed shot noise both vanish only when Lorentzian voltage pulses carrying integer electric charge are applied to the conductor. This happens in the integer quantum Hall regime and for Laughlin fractional states as well, with no influence of fractional physics on the conditions for clean energy pulses. In addition, we demonstrate the robustness of such excitations to the overlap of Lorentzian wavepackets. Even though mixed and heat noise have nonlinear dependence on the voltage bias, and despite the non-integer power-law behavior arising from the fractional quantum Hall physics, an arbitrary superposition of levitons always generates minimal excitation states.

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162 - H. Aita , L. Arrachea , C. Naon 2013
We study the heat transport along an edge state of a two-dimensional electron gas in the quantum Hall regime, in contact to two reservoirs at different temperatures. We consider two exactly solvable models for the edge state coupled to the reservoirs. The first one corresponds to filling $ u=1$ and tunneling coupling to the reservoirs. The second one corresponds to integer or fractional filling of the sequence $ u=1/m$ (with $m$ odd), and capacitive coupling to the reservoirs. In both cases we solve the problem by means of non-equilibrium Green function formalism. We show that heat propagates chirally along the edge in the two setups. We identify two temperature regimes, defined by $Delta$, the mean level spacing of the edge. At low temperatures, $T< Delta$, finite size effects play an important role in heat transport, for both types of contacts. The nature of the contacts manifest themselves in different power laws for the thermal conductance as a function of the temperature. For capacitive couplings a highly non-universal behavior takes place, through a prefactor that depends on the length of the edge as well as on the coupling strengths and the filling fraction. For larger temperatures, $T>Delta$, finite-size effects become irrelevant, but the heat transport strongly depends on the strength of the edge-reservoir interactions, in both cases. The thermal conductance for tunneling coupling grows linearly with $T$, whereas for the capacitive case it saturates to a value that depends on the coupling strengths and the filling factors of the edge and the contacts.
Studies of thermally induced transport in nanostructures provide access to an exciting regime where fluctuations are relevant, enabling the investigation of fundamental thermodynamic concepts and the realization of thermal energy harvesters. We study a serial double quantum dot formed in an InAs/InP nanowire coupled to two electron reservoirs. By means of a specially designed local metallic joule-heater, the temperature of the phonon bath in the vicinity of the double quantum dot can be enhanced. This results in phonon-assisted transport, enabling the conversion of local heat into electrical power in a nano-sized heat engine. Simultaneously, the electron temperatures of the reservoirs are affected, resulting in conventional thermoelectric transport. By detailed modelling and experimentally tuning the interdot coupling we disentangle both effects. Furthermore, we show that phonon-assisted transport gives access to the energy of excited states. Our findings demonstrate the versatility of our design to study fluctuations and fundamental nanothermodynamics.
130 - Yonghong Yan , Chang-Qin Wu , 2008
We study heat transport in quantum spin systems analytically and numerically. First, we demonstrate that heat current through a two-level quantum spin system can be modulated from zero to a finite value by tuning a magnetic field. Second, we show that a spin system, consisting of two dissimilar parts - one is gapped and the other is gapless, exhibits current rectification and negative differential thermal resistance. Possible experimental realizations by using molecular junctions or magnetic materials are discussed.
In this Colloquium recent advances in the field of quantum heat transport are reviewed. This topic has been investigated theoretically for several decades, but only during the past twenty years have experiments on various mesoscopic systems become feasible. A summary of the theoretical basis for describing heat transport in one-dimensional channels is first provided. Then the main experimental investigations of quantized heat conductance due to phonons, photons, electrons, and anyons in such channels are presented. These experiments are important for understanding the fundamental processes that underly the concept of a heat conductance quantum for a single channel. Then an illustration on how one can control the quantum heat transport by means of electric and magnetic fields, and how such tunable heat currents can be useful in devices is given. This lays the basis for realizing various thermal device components such as quantum heat valves, rectifiers, heat engines, refrigerators, and calorimeters. Also of interest are fluctuations of quantum heat currents, both for fundamental reasons and for optimizing the most sensitive thermal detectors; at the end of the review the status of research on this intriguing topic is given.
We analyze the transport properties of bilayer quantum Hall systems at total filling factor $ u=1$ in drag geometries as a function of interlayer bias, in the limit where the disorder is sufficiently strong to unbind meron-antimeron pairs, the charged topological defects of the system. We compute the typical energy barrier for these objects to cross incompressible regions within the disordered system using a Hartree-Fock approach, and show how this leads to multiple activation energies when the system is biased. We then demonstrate using a bosonic Chern-Simons theory that in drag geometries, current in a single layer directly leads to forces on only two of the four types of merons, inducing dissipation only in the drive layer. Dissipation in the drag layer results from interactions among the merons, resulting in very different temperature dependences for the drag and drive layers, in qualitative agreement with experiment.
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