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Studying the photometric and spectroscopic variability of the magnetic hot supergiant $zeta$ Orionis Aa

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 Added by Bram Buysschaert
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Massive stars play a significant role in the chemical and dynamical evolution of galaxies. However, much of their variability, particularly during their evolved supergiant stage, is poorly understood. To understand the variability of evolved massive stars in more detail, we present a study of the O9.2Ib supergiant $zeta$ Ori Aa, the only currently confirmed supergiant to host a magnetic field. We have obtained two-color space-based BRIght Target Explorer photometry (BRITE) for $zeta$ Ori Aa during two observing campaigns, as well as simultaneous ground-based, high-resolution optical CHIRON spectroscopy. We perform a detailed frequency analysis to detect and characterize the stars periodic variability. We detect two significant, independent frequencies, their higher harmonics, and combination frequencies: the stellar rotation period $P_{mathrm{rot}} = 6.82pm0.18$ d, most likely related to the presence of the stable magnetic poles, and a variation with a period of $10.0pm0.3$ d attributed to circumstellar environment, also detected in the H$alpha$ and several He I lines, yet absent in the purely photospheric lines. We confirm the variability with $P_{mathrm{rot}}$/4, likely caused by surface inhomogeneities, being the possible photospheric drivers of the discrete absorption components. No stellar pulsations were detected in the data. The level of circumstellar activity clearly differs between the two BRITE observing campaigns. We demonstrate that $zeta$ Ori Aa is a highly variable star with both periodic and non-periodic variations, as well as episodic events. The rotation period we determined agrees well with the spectropolarimetric value from the literature. The changing activity level observed with BRITE could explain why the rotational modulation of the magnetic measurements was not clearly detected at all epochs.

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A close companion of Zeta Orionis A was found in 2000 with the Navy Precision Optical Interferometer (NPOI), and shown to be a physical companion. Because the primary is a supergiant of type O, for which dynamical mass measurements are very rare, the companion was observed with NPOI over the full 7-year orbit. Our aim was to determine the dynamical mass of a supergiant that, due to the physical separation of more than 10 AU between the components, cannot have undergone mass exchange with the companion. The interferometric observations allow measuring the relative positions of the binary components and their relative brightness. The data collected over the full orbital period allows all seven orbital elements to be determined. In addition to the interferometric observations, we analyzed archival spectra obtained at the Calar Alto, Haute Provence, Cerro Armazones, and La Silla observatories, as well as new spectra obtained at the VLT on Cerro Paranal. In the high-resolution spectra we identified a few lines that can be associated exclusively to one or the other component for the measurement of the radial velocities of both. The combination of astrometry and spectroscopy then yields the stellar masses and the distance to the binary star. The resulting masses for components Aa of 14.0 solar masses and Ab of 7.4 solar masses are low compared to theoretical expectations, with a distance of 294 pc which is smaller than a photometric distance estimate of 387 pc based on the spectral type B0III of the B component. If the latter (because it is also consistent with the distance to the Orion OB1 association) is adopted, the mass of the secondary component Ab of 14 solar masses would agree with classifying a star of type B0.5IV. It is fainter than the primary by about 2.2 magnitudes in the visual. The primary mass is then determined to be 33 solar masses.
190 - J.-C. Bouret 2008
We report here the detection of a weak magnetic field of 50 - 100 G on the O9.7 supergiant zeta Ori A, using spectropolarimetric observations obtained with NARVAL at the 2m Telescope Bernard Lyot atop Pic du Midi (France). zeta Ori A is the third O star known to host a magnetic field (along with theta^1 Ori C and HD 191612), and the first detection on a normal rapidly-rotating O star. The magnetic field of zeta Ori A is the weakest magnetic field ever detected on a massive star. The measured field is lower than the thermal equipartition limit (about 100 G). By fitting NLTE model atmospheres to our spectra, we determined that zeta Ori A is a 40 Msun star with a radius of 25 Rsun and an age of about 5 - 6 Myr, showing no surface nitrogen enhancement and losing mass at a rate of about 2x10^(-6) Msol/yr. The magnetic topology of zeta Ori A is apparently more complex than a dipole and involves two main magnetic polarities located on both sides of the same hemisphere; our data also suggest that zeta Ori A rotates in about 7.0 d and is about 40 degrees away from pole-on to an Earth-based observer. Despite its weakness, the detected magnetic field significantly affects the wind structure; the corresponding Alfven radius is however very close to the surface, thus generating a different rotational modulation in wind lines than that reported on the two other known magnetic O stars. The rapid rotation of zeta Ori A with respect to theta^1 Ori C appears as a surprise, both stars having similar unsigned magnetic fluxes (once rescaled to the same radius); it may suggest that the sub-equipartition field detected on zeta Ori A is not a fossil remnant (as opposed to that of theta^1 Ori C and HD 191612), but the result of an exotic dynamo action produced through MHD instabilities.
We analyzed the star HD 171219, one of the relatively bright Be stars observed in the seismo field of the CoRoT satellite, in order to determine its physical and pulsation characteristics. Classical Be stars are main-sequence objects of mainly B-type, whose spectra show, or had shown at some epoch, Balmer lines in emission and an infrared excess. Both characteristics are attributed to an equatorially concentrated circumstellar disk fed by non-periodic mass-loss episodes (outbursts). Be stars often show nonradial pulsation gravity modes and, as more recently discovered, stochastically excited oscillations. Applying the CLEANEST algorithm to the high-cadence and highly photometrically precise measurements of the HD 171219 light curve led us to perform an unprecedented detailed analysis of its nonradial pulsations. Tens of frequencies have been detected in the object compatible with nonradial g-modes. Additional high-resolution ground-based spectroscopic observations were obtained at La Silla (HARPS) and Haute Provence (SOPHIE) observatories during the month preceding CoRoT observations. Additional information was obtained from low-resolution spectra from the BeSS database. From spectral line fitting we determined physical parameters of the star, which is seen equator-on. We also found in the ground data the same frequencies as in CoRoT data. Additionally, we analyzed the circumstellar activity through the traditional method of V/R emission H{alpha} line variation. A quintuplet was identified at approximately 1.113 c/d (12.88 {mu}Hz) with a separation of 0.017 c/d that can be attributed to a pulsation degree l~2. The light curve shows six small- to medium-scale outbursts during the CoRoT observations. The intensity of the main frequencies varies after each outburst, suggesting a possible correlation between the nonradial pulsations regime and the feeding of the envelope.
We present the results of our $UBV$ and $JHKLM$-photometry for the semiregular pulsating variable V1027~Cyg, a supergiant with an infrared excess, over the period from 1991 to 2015. Our search for a periodicity in the $UBV$ brightness variations has led to several periods from $P=212^{d}$ to $P=320^{d}$ in different time intervals. We have found the period $P=237^{d}$ based on our infrared photometry. The variability amplitude, the light-curve shape, and the magnitude of V1027~Cyg at maximum light change noticeably from cycle to cycle. An ambiguous correlation of the $B-V$ and $U-B$ colors with the brightness has been revealed. The spectral energy distribution for V1027~Cyg from our photometry in the range 0.36 ($U$)-5.0 ($M$) $mu$m corresponds to spectral types from G8I to K3I at different phases of the pulsation cycle. Low-resolution spectra of V1027 Cyg in the range $lambda$4400--9200 AA were taken during 16 nights over the period 1995--2015. At the 1995 and 2011 photometric minima the stars spectrum exhibited molecular TiO bands whose intensity corresponded to spectral types M0--M1, while the photometric data point to a considerably earlier spectral type. We hypothesize that the TiO bands are formed in the upper layers of the extended stellar atmosphere. We have measured the equivalent widths of the strongest absorption lines, in particular, the infrared Ca~II triplet in the spectrum of V1027~Cyg. The calcium triplet (Ca T) with $W_{lambda}(mathrm{Ca~T})=20.3pm1.8$ AA as a luminosity indicator for supergiants places V1027 Cyg in the region of the brightest G--K supergiants. V1027 Cyg has been identified with the infrared source IRAS~20004+2955 and is currently believed to be a candidate for post-AGB stars. The evolutionary status of the star and its difference from other post-AGB objects are discussed.
Among the low-mass pre-main sequence stars, a small group called FU Orionis-type objects (FUors) are notable for undergoing powerful accretion outbursts. V1057 Cyg, a classical example of an FUor, went into outburst around 1969-1970, after which it faded rapidly, making it the fastest fading FUor known. Around 1995, a more rapid increase in fading occurred. Since that time, strong photometric modulations have been present. We present nearly 10 years of source monitoring at PiszkestetH{o} Observatory, complemented with optical/near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy from the Nordic Optical Telescope, Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory, Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, and the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy. Our light curves show continuation of significant quasi-periodic variability in brightness over the past decade. Our spectroscopic observations show strong wind features, shell features, and forbidden emission lines. All of these spectral lines vary with time. We also report the first detection of [S II], [N II], and [O III] lines in the star.
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