Experimental signatures of the mixed axial-gravitational anomaly in the Weyl semimetal NbP

Abstract in English

Weyl semimetals are materials where electrons behave effectively as a kind of massless relativistic particles known asWeyl fermions. These particles occur in two flavours, or chiralities, and are subject to quantum anomalies, the breaking of a conservation law by quantum fluctuations. For instance, the number of Weyl fermions of each chirality is not independently conserved in parallel electric and magnetic field, a phenomenon known as the chiral anomaly. In addition, an underlying curved spacetime provides a distinct contribution to a chiral imbalance, an effect known as the mixed axial-gravitational anomaly, which remains experimentally elusive. However, the presence of a mixed gauge-gravitational anomaly has recently been tied to thermoelectrical transport in a magnetic field, even in flat spacetime, opening the door to experimentally probe such type of anomalies in Weyl semimetals. Using a temperature gradient, we experimentally observe a positive longitudinal magnetothermoelectric conductance (PMTC) in the Weyl semimetal NbP for collinear temperature gradients and magnetic fields (DT || B) that vanishes in the ultra quantum limit. This observation is consistent with the presence of a mixed axial-gravitational anomaly. Our work provides clear experimental evidence for the existence of a mixed axial-gravitational anomaly of Weyl fermions, an outstanding theoretical concept that has so far eluded experimental detection.
