Second Moments in the Generalized Gauss Circle Problem

Abstract in English

The generalized Gauss circle problem concerns the lattice point discrepancy of large spheres. We study the Dirichlet series associated to $P_k(n)^2$, where $P_k(n)$ is the discrepancy between the volume of the $k$-dimensional sphere of radius $sqrt{n}$ and the number of integer lattice points contained in that sphere. We prove asymptotics with improved power-saving error terms for smoothed sums, including $sum P_k(n)^2 e^{-n/X}$ and the Laplace transform $int_0^infty P_k(t)^2 e^{-t/X}dt$, in dimensions $k geq 3$. We also obtain main terms and power-saving error terms for the sharp sums $sum_{n leq X} P_k(n)^2$, along with similar results for the sharp integral $int_0^X P_3(t)^2 dt$. This includes producing the first power-saving error term in mean square for the dimension-three Gauss circle problem.
