The Lowest Mass Ratio Planetary Microlens: OGLE 2016-BLG-1195Lb

Abstract in English

We report discovery of the lowest mass ratio exoplanet to be found by the microlensing method in the light curve of the event OGLE~2016--BLG--1195. This planet revealed itself as a small deviation from a microlensing single lens profile from an examination of the survey data soon after the planetary signal. The duration of the planetary signal is $sim 2.5,$hours. The measured ratio of the planet mass to its host star is $q = 4.2pm 0.7 times10^{-5}$. We further estimate that the lens system is likely to comprise a cold $sim$3 Earth mass planet in a $sim,$2 AU wide orbit around a 0.2 Solar mass star at an overall distance of 7.1 kpc.
