Supersymmetric Schrodinger Operators with Applications to Morse Theory

Abstract in English

In 1981 Edward Witten proved a remarkable result where he derived the classical Morse Inequalities using ideas from Supersymmetric (SUSY) Quantum Mechanics. In this regard, one has an example where a Physical Theory has something to say about the underlying Mathematical Structure. The objective of this essay is to understand this classical result from the perspective of Schr{o}dinger Operators. The essay will be divided in four parts. The first part will revisit the classical theory of Morse and recall some of its fundamental results. In the second part, we consider the underlying physical motivations by considering Quantum Mechanics and 0-Dimensional SUSY. The third part will focus on Schr{o}dinger Operators and highlight some of their basic properties. Finally in the last section we will put everything together and present Wittens proof of the Morse Inequalities. Even here we must be completely honest and say that we only follow Witten in proving the Weak Morse Inequalities. The Strong Morse Inequalities are derived using related ideas from Supersymmetry, but mention is made of the techniques used by Witten to get at the Strong Morse Inequalities.
