Casting the Coronal Magnetic Field Reconstruction Tools in 3D Using MHD Bifrost Model

Abstract in English

Quantifying coronal magnetic field remains a central problem in solar physics. Nowadays the coronal magnetic field is often modelled using nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) reconstructions, whose accuracy has not yet been comprehensively assessed. Here we perform a detailed casting of the NLFFF reconstruction tools, such as pi-disambiguation, photospheric field preprocessing, and volume reconstruction methods using a 3D snapshot of the publicly available full-fledged radiative MHD model. Specifically, from the MHD model we know the magnetic field vector in the entire 3D domain, which enables us to perform voxel-by-voxel comparison of the restored and the true magnetic field in the 3D model volume. Our tests show that the available pi-disambiguation methods often fail at the quiet sun areas dominated by small-scale magnetic elements, while they work well at the AR photosphere and (even better) chromosphere. The preprocessing of the photospheric magnetic field, although does produce a more force-free boundary condition, also results in some effective `elevation of the magnetic field components. This `elevation height is different for the longitudinal and transverse components, which results in a systematic error in absolute heights in the reconstructed magnetic data cube. The extrapolations performed starting from actual AR photospheric magnetogram are free from this systematic error, while have other metrics comparable with those for extrapolations from the preprocessed magnetograms. This finding favors the use of extrapolations from the original photospheric magnetogram without preprocessing. Our tests further suggest that extrapolations from a force-free chromospheric boundary produce measurably better results, than those from the photospheric boundary.
