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The policy gradients of the expected return objective can react slowly to rare rewards. Yet, in some cases agents may wish to emphasize the low or high returns regardless of their probability. Borrowing from the economics and control literature, we review the risk-sensitive value function that arises from an exponential utility and illustrate its effects on an example. This risk-sensitive value function is not always applicable to reinforcement learning problems, so we introduce the particle value function defined by a particle filter over the distributions of an agents experience, which bounds the risk-sensitive one. We illustrate the benefit of the policy gradients of this objective in Cliffworld.
Standard RL algorithms assume fixed environment dynamics and require a significant amount of interaction to adapt to new environments. We introduce Policy-Dynamics Value Functions (PD-VF), a novel approach for rapidly adapting to dynamics different from those previously seen in training. PD-VF explicitly estimates the cumulative reward in a space of policies and environments. An ensemble of conventional RL policies is used to gather experience on training environments, from which embeddings of both policies and environments can be learned. Then, a value function conditioned on both embeddings is trained. At test time, a few actions are sufficient to infer the environment embedding, enabling a policy to be selected by maximizing the learned value function (which requires no additional environment interaction). We show that our method can rapidly adapt to new dynamics on a set of MuJoCo domains. Code available at
A plethora of problems in AI, engineering and the sciences are naturally formalized as inference in discrete probabilistic models. Exact inference is often prohibitively expensive, as it may require evaluating the (unnormalized) target density on its entire domain. Here we consider the setting where only a limited budget of calls to the unnormalized density oracle is available, raising the challenge of where in the domain to allocate these function calls in order to construct a good approximate solution. We formulate this problem as an instance of sequential decision-making under uncertainty and leverage methods from reinforcement learning for probabilistic inference with budget constraints. In particular, we propose the TreeSample algorithm, an adaptation of Monte Carlo Tree Search to approximate inference. This algorithm caches all previous queries to the density oracle in an explicit search tree, and dynamically allocates new queries based on a best-first heuristic for exploration, using existing upper confidence bound methods. Our non-parametric inference method can be effectively combined with neural networks that compile approximate conditionals of the target, which are then used to guide the inference search and enable generalization across multiple target distributions. We show empirically that TreeSample outperforms standard approximate inference methods on synthetic factor graphs.
Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) methods have performed well in an increasing numbering of high-dimensional visual decision making domains. Among all such visual decision making problems, those with discrete action spaces often tend to have underlying compositional structure in the said action space. Such action spaces often contain actions such as go left, go up as well as go diagonally up and left (which is a composition of the former two actions). The representations of control policies in such domains have traditionally been modeled without exploiting this inherent compositional structure in the action spaces. We propose a new learning paradigm, Factored Action space Representations (FAR) wherein we decompose a control policy learned using a Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm into independent components, analogous to decomposing a vector in terms of some orthogonal basis vectors. This architectural modification of the control policy representation allows the agent to learn about multiple actions simultaneously, while executing only one of them. We demonstrate that FAR yields considerable improvements on top of two DRL algorithms in Atari 2600: FARA3C outperforms A3C (Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic) in 9 out of 14 tasks and FARAQL outperforms AQL (Asynchronous n-step Q-Learning) in 9 out of 13 tasks.
We study the use of randomized value functions to guide deep exploration in reinforcement learning. This offers an elegant means for synthesizing statistically and computationally efficient exploration with common practical approaches to value function learning. We present several reinforcement learning algorithms that leverage randomized value functions and demonstrate their efficacy through computational studies. We also prove a regret bound that establishes statistical efficiency with a tabular representation.
This paper makes one step forward towards characterizing a new family of textit{model-free} Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) algorithms. The aim of these algorithms is to jointly learn an approximation of the state-value function ($V$), alongside an approximation of the state-action value function ($Q$). Our analysis starts with a thorough study of the Deep Quality-Value Learning (DQV) algorithm, a DRL algorithm which has been shown to outperform popular techniques such as Deep-Q-Learning (DQN) and Double-Deep-Q-Learning (DDQN) cite{sabatelli2018deep}. Intending to investigate why DQVs learning dynamics allow this algorithm to perform so well, we formulate a set of research questions which help us characterize a new family of DRL algorithms. Among our results, we present some specific cases in which DQVs performance can get harmed and introduce a novel textit{off-policy} DRL algorithm, called DQV-Max, which can outperform DQV. We then study the behavior of the $V$ and $Q$ functions that are learned by DQV and DQV-Max and show that both algorithms might perform so well on several DRL test-beds because they are less prone to suffer from the overestimation bias of the $Q$ function.