Black Holes-Hedgehogs and Strings as Defects of the Universal Vacua

Abstract in English

In the present paper, assuming the Multiple Point Principle (MPP) as a new law of Nature, we considered the existence of the two degenerate vacua of the Universe: a) the first Electroweak (EW) vacuum at $v_1approx 246$ GeV -- true vacuum, and b) the second Planck scale false vacuum at $v_2 sim 10^{18}$ GeV. In these vacua we investigated different topological defects. The main aim of this paper is an investigation of the black-hole-hedgehogs configurations as defects of the false vacuum. In the framework of the $f(R)$ gravity, described by the Gravi-Weak unification model, we considered a black-hole solution, which corresponds to a hedgehog -- global monopole, that has been swallowed by the black-hole with mass core $M_{BH}sim 10^{18}$ GeV and radius $deltasim 10^{-21}$ GeV$^{-1}$. Considering the results of the hedgehog lattice theory in the framework of the $SU(2)$ Yang-Mills gauge-invariant theory with hedgehogs in the Wilson loops, we have used the critical value of temperature for the hedgehogs confinement phase ($T_csim 10^{18}$ GeV). This result gave us the possibility to conclude that the SM shows a new physics (with contributions of the $SU(2)$-triplet Higgs bosons) at the scale $sim 10$ TeV. Theory predicts the stability of the EW-vacuum and the accuracy of the MPP.
