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The Landau-Ginzburg B-model for a germ of a holomorphic function with an isolated critical point is constructed by K. Saito and finished by M. Saito. Douai and Sabbah construct the Landau-Ginzburg B-models for some Laurent polynomials. The construction relies on analytic procedures, and one can not expect it can be done by purely algebraic method. In this note, we work out the l-adic realization of the algebraic part of the construction.
In this paper we study the low energy physics of Landau-Ginzburg models with N=(0,2) supersymmetry. We exhibit a number of classes of relatively simple LG models where the conformal field theory at the low energy fixed point can be explicitly identified. One interesting class of fixed points can be thought of as heterotic minimal models. Other examples include N=(0,2) renormalization group flows that end up at N=(2,2) minimal models and models with non-abelian symmetry.
We develop a theory of log adic spaces by combining the theories of adic spaces and log schemes, and study the Kummer etale and pro-Kummer etale topology for such spaces. We also establish the primitive comparison theorem in this context, and deduce from it some related cohomological finiteness or vanishing results.
Certain dissipative Ginzburg-Landau models predict existence of planar interfaces moving with constant velocity. In most cases the interface solutions are hard to obtain because pertinent evolution equations are nonlinear. We present a systematic perturbative expansion which allows us to compute effects of small terms added to the free energy functional of a soluble model. As an example, we take the exactly soluble model with single order parameter $phi$ and the potential $V_0(phi) = Aphi^2 + B phi^3 + phi^4$, and we perturb it by adding $V_1(phi) = {1/2} epsilon_1 phi^2 partial_i phi partial_i phi + 1/5 epsilon_2 phi^5 + 1/6 epsilon_3 phi^6. $ We discuss the corresponding changes of the velocity of the planar interface.
We prove that the Apery constants for a certain class of Fano threefolds can be obtained as a special value of a higher normal function.
In this paper we describe a physical realization of a family of non-compact Kahler threefolds with trivial canonical bundle in hybrid Landau-Ginzburg models, motivated by some recent non-Kahler solutions of Strominger systems, and utilizing some recent ideas from GLSMs. We consider threefolds given as fiber products of compact genus g Riemann surfaces and noncompact threefolds. Each genus g Riemann surface is constructed using recent GLSM tricks, as a double cover of P^1 branched over a degree 2g + 2 locus, realized via nonperturbative effects rather than as the critical locus of a superpotential. We focus in particular on special cases corresponding to a set of Kahler twistor spaces of certain hyperKahler four-manifolds, specifically the twistor spaces of R^4, C^2/Z_k, and S^1 x R^3. We check in all cases that the condition for trivial canonical bundle arising physically matches the mathematical constraint.