Transition Jitter in Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording by Micromagnetic Simulation

Abstract in English

In this paper we apply an extended Landau-Lifschitz equation, as introduced by Bav{n}as et al. for the simulation of heat-assisted magnetic recording. This equation has similarities with the Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch equation. The Bav{n}as equation is supposed to be used in a continuum setting with sub-grain discretization by the finite-element method. Thus, local geometric features and nonuniform magnetic states during switching are taken into account. We implement the Bav{n}as model and test its capability for predicting the recording performance in a realistic recording scenario. By performing recording simulations on 100 media slabs with randomized granular structure and consecutive read back calculation, the write position shift and transition jitter for bit lengths of 10nm, 12nm, and 20nm are calculated.
