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Low-resolution near-infrared spectroscopic signatures of unresolved ultracool companions to M dwarfs

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 Added by Neil Cook J
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We develop a method to identify the spectroscopic signature of unresolved L-dwarf ultracool companions, which compares the spectra of candidates and their associated control stars using spectral ratio differences and residual spectra. We present SpeX prism-mode spectra (0.7-2.5 micron) for a pilot sample of 111 mid M dwarfs, including 28 that were previously identified as candidates for unresolved ultracool companionship (a sub-sample from Cook et al. 2016; paper 1) and 83 single M dwarfs that were optically colour-similar to these candidates (which we use as `control stars). We identify four candidates with evidence for near-infrared excess. One of these (WISE J100202.50+074136.3) shows strong evidence for an unresolved L dwarf companion in both its spectral ratio difference and its residual spectra, two most likely have a different source for the near-infrared excess, and the other may be due to spectral noise. We also establish expectations for a null result (i.e. by searching for companionship signatures around the M dwarf control stars), as well as determining the expected outcome for ubiquitous companionship (as a means of comparison with our actual results), using artificially generated unresolved M+L dwarf spectra. The results of these analyses are compared to those for the candidate sample, and reasonable consistency is found. With a full follow-up programme of our candidates sample from Cook et al., we might expect to confirm up to 40 such companions in the future, adding extensively to the known desert population of M3-M5 dwarfs.

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We present a near-infrared (0.9-2.4 microns) spectroscopic study of 73 field ultracool dwarfs having spectroscopic and/or kinematic evidence of youth (~10-300 Myr). Our sample is composed of 48 low-resolution (R~100) spectra and 41 moderate-resolution spectra (R>~750-2000). First, we establish a method for spectral typing M5-L7 dwarfs at near-IR wavelengths that is independent of gravity. We find that both visual and index-based classification in the near-IR provide consistent spectral types with optical spectral types, though with a small systematic offset in the case of visual classification at J and K band. Second, we examine features in the spectra of ~10 Myr ultracool dwarfs to define a set of gravity-sensitive indices based on FeH, VO, K, Na and H-band continuum shape. We then create an index-based method for classifying the gravities of M6-L5 dwarfs that provides consistent results with gravity classifications from optical spectroscopy. Our index-based classification can distinguish between young and dusty objects. Guided by the resulting classifications, we propose a set of low-gravity spectral standards for the near-IR. Finally, we estimate the ages corresponding to our gravity classifications.
We report on near-infrared J- and H-band linear polarimetric photometry of eight ultracool dwarfs (two late-M, five L0-L7.5, and one T2.5) with known evidence for photometric variability due to dust clouds, anomalous red infrared colors, or low-gravity atmospheres. The polarimetric data were acquired with the LIRIS instrument on the William Herschel Telescope. We also provide mid-infrared photometry in the interval 3.4-24 micron for some targets obtained with Spitzer and WISE, which has allowed us to confirm the peculiar red colors of five sources in the sample. We can impose modest upper limits of 0.9% and 1.8% on the linear polarization degree for seven targets with a confidence of 99%. Only one source, 2MAS, J02411151-0326587 (L0), appears to be strongly polarized (P ~ 3%) in the J-band with a significance level of P/sigma_P ~ 10. The likely origin of its linearly polarized light and rather red infrared colors may reside in a surrounding disk with an asymmetric distribution of grains. Given its proximity (66 +/- 8 pc), this object becomes an excellent target for the direct detection of the disk.
We present additional analysis of the classification system presented in Allers & Liu (2013). We refer the reader to Allers & Liu (2013) for a detailed discussion of our near-IR spectral type and gravity classification system. Here, we address questions and comments from participants of the Brown Dwarfs Come of Age meeting. In particular, we examine the effects of binarity and metallicity on our classification system. We also present our classification of Pleiades brown dwarfs using published spectra. Lastly, we determine SpTs and calculate gravity-sensitive indices for the BT-Settl atmospheric models and compare them to observations.
We present observations of 36 late-M dwarfs obtained with the KeckII/NIRSPEC in the J-band at a resolution of sim20,000. We have measured projected rotational velocities, absolute radial velocities, and pseudo-equivalent widths of atomic lines. 12 of our targets did not have previous measurements in the literature. For the other 24 targets, we confirm previously reported measurements. We find that 13 stars from our sample have vsini below our measurement threshold (12 km/s) whereas four of our targets are fast rotators (vsini > 30 km/s). As fast rotation causes spectral features to be washed out, stars with low projected rotational velocities are sought for radial velocity surveys. At our intermediate spectral resolution we have confirmed the identification of neutral atomic lines reported in Mclean et al. 2007. We also calculated pseudo-equivalent widths (p-EW) of 12 atomic lines. Our results confirm that the p-EW of K I lines are strongly dependent on spectral types. We observe that the p-EW of Fe I and Mn I lines remain fairly constant with later spectral type. We suggest that those lines are particularly suitable for deriving metallicities for late-M dwarfs.
CARMENES, Calar Alto high-Resolution search for M dwarfs with Exo-earths with a Near-infrared Echelle Spectrograph, is a study for a next-generation instrument for the 3.5m Calar Alto Telescope to be designed, built, integrated, and operated by a consortium of nine German and Spanish institutions. Our main objective is finding habitable exoplanets around M dwarfs, which will be achieved by radial velocity measurements on the m/s level in the near-infrared, where low-mass stars emit the bulk of their radiation.
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