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Similarity search finds application in specialized database systems handling complex data such as images or videos, which are typically represented by high-dimensional features and require specific indexing structures. This paper tackles the problem of better utilizing GPUs for this task. While GPUs excel at data-parallel tasks, prior approaches are bottlenecked by algorithms that expose less parallelism, such as k-min selection, or make poor use of the memory hierarchy. We propose a design for k-selection that operates at up to 55% of theoretical peak performance, enabling a nearest neighbor implementation that is 8.5x faster than prior GPU state of the art. We apply it in different similarity search scenarios, by proposing optimized design for brute-force, approximate and compressed-domain search based on product quantization. In all these setups, we outperform the state of the art by large margins. Our implementation enables the construction of a high accuracy k-NN graph on 95 million images from the Yfcc100M dataset in 35 minutes, and of a graph connecting 1 billion vectors in less than 12 hours on 4 Maxwell Titan X GPUs. We have open-sourced our approach for the sake of comparison and reproducibility.
Billion-scale high-dimensional approximate nearest neighbour (ANN) search has become an important problem for searching similar objects among the vast amount of images and videos available online. The existing ANN methods are usually characterized by their specific indexing structures, including the inverted index and the inverted multi-index structure. The inverted index structure is amenable to GPU-based implementations, and the state-of-the-art systems such as Faiss are able to exploit the massive parallelism offered by GPUs. However, the inverted index requires high memory overhead to index the dataset effectively. The inverted multi-index structure is difficult to implement for GPUs, and also ineffective in dealing with database with different data distributions. In this paper we propose a novel hierarchical inverted index structure generated by vector and line quantization methods. Our quantization method improves both search efficiency and accuracy, while maintaining comparable memory consumption. This is achieved by reducing search space and increasing the number of indexed regions. We introduce a new ANN search system, VLQ-ADC, that is based on the proposed inverted index, and perform extensive evaluation on two public billion-scale benchmark datasets SIFT1B and DEEP1B. Our evaluation shows that VLQ-ADC significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art GPU- and CPU-based systems in terms of both accuracy and search speed. The source code of VLQ-ADC is available at
Similarity search approaches based on graph walks have recently attained outstanding speed-accuracy trade-offs, taking aside the memory requirements. In this paper, we revisit these approaches by considering, additionally, the memory constraint required to index billions of images on a single server. This leads us to propose a method based both on graph traversal and compact representations. We encode the indexed vectors using quantization and exploit the graph structure to refine the similarity estimation. In essence, our method takes the best of these two worlds: the search strategy is based on nested graphs, thereby providing high precision with a relatively small set of comparisons. At the same time it offers a significant memory compression. As a result, our approach outperforms the state of the art on operating points considering 64-128 bytes per vector, as demonstrated by our results on two billion-scale public benchmarks.
Efficient Nearest Neighbor (NN) search in high-dimensional spaces is a foundation of many multimedia retrieval systems. Because it offers low responses times, Product Quantization (PQ) is a popular solution. PQ compresses high-dimensional vectors into short codes using several sub-quantizers, which enables in-RAM storage of large databases. This allows fast answers to NN queries, without accessing the SSD or HDD. The key feature of PQ is that it can compute distances between short codes and high-dimensional vectors using cache-resident lookup tables. The efficiency of this technique, named Asymmetric Distance Computation (ADC), remains limited because it performs many cache accesses. In this paper, we introduce Quick ADC, a novel technique that achieves a 3 to 6 times speedup over ADC by exploiting Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) units available in current CPUs. Efficiently exploiting SIMD requires algorithmic changes to the ADC procedure. Namely, Quick ADC relies on two key modifications of ADC: (i) the use 4-bit sub-quantizers instead of the standard 8-bit sub-quantizers and (ii) the quantization of floating-point distances. This allows Quick ADC to exceed the performance of state-of-the-art systems, e.g., it achieves a Recall@100 of 0.94 in 3.4 ms on 1 billion SIFT descriptors (128-bit codes).
We present SLASH (Sketched LocAlity Sensitive Hashing), an MPI (Message Passing Interface) based distributed system for approximate similarity search over terabyte scale datasets. SLASH provides a multi-node implementation of the popular LSH (locality sensitive hashing) algorithm, which is generally implemented on a single machine. We show how we can append the LSH algorithm with heavy hitters sketches to provably solve the (high) similarity search problem without a single distance computation. Overall, we mathematically show that, under realistic data assumptions, we can identify the near-neighbor of a given query $q$ in sub-linear ($ ll O(n)$) number of simple sketch aggregation operations only. To make such a system practical, we offer a novel design and sketching solution to reduce the inter-machine communication overheads exponentially. In a direct comparison on comparable hardware, SLASH is more than 10000x faster than the popular LSH package in PySpark. PySpark is a widely-adopted distributed implementation of the LSH algorithm for large datasets and is deployed in commercial platforms. In the end, we show how our system scale to Tera-scale Criteo dataset with more than 4 billion samples. SLASH can index this 2.3 terabyte data over 20 nodes in under an hour, with query times in a fraction of milliseconds. To the best of our knowledge, there is no open-source system that can index and perform a similarity search on Criteo with a commodity cluster.
In this paper, we introduce a new large-scale face database from KIST, denoted as K-FACE, and describe a novel capturing device specifically designed to obtain the data. The K-FACE database contains more than 1 million high-quality images of 1,000 subjects selected by considering the ratio of gender and age groups. It includes a variety of attributes, including 27 poses, 35 lighting conditions, three expressions, and occlusions by the combination of five types of accessories. As the K-FACE database is systematically constructed through a hemispherical capturing system with elaborate lighting control and multiple cameras, it is possible to accurately analyze the effects of factors that cause performance degradation, such as poses, lighting changes, and accessories. We consider not only the balance of external environmental factors, such as pose and lighting, but also the balance of personal characteristics such as gender and age group. The gender ratio is the same, while the age groups of subjects are uniformly distributed from the 20s to 50s for both genders. The K-FACE database can be extensively utilized in various vision tasks, such as face recognition, face frontalization, illumination normalization, face age estimation, and three-dimensional face model generation. We expect systematic diversity and uniformity of the K-FACE database to promote these research fields.