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Magnetic properties of strained multiferroic CoCr2O4: a soft X-ray study

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 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Using resonant soft X-ray techniques we follow the magnetic behavior of a strained epitaxial film of CoCr2O4, a type-II multiferroic. The film is [110]-oriented, such that both the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic moments can coexist in plane. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) is used in scattering and in transmission modes to probe the magnetization of Co and Cr separately. The transmission measurements utilized X-ray excited optical luminescence from the substrate. Resonant soft X-ray diffraction (RSXD) was used to study the magnetic order of the low temperature phase. The XMCD signals of Co and Cr appear at the same ordering temperature Tc~90K, and are always opposite in sign. The coercive field of the Co and of Cr moments is the same, and is approximately two orders of magnitude higher than in bulk. Through sum rules analysis an enlarged Co2+ orbital moment (m_L) is found, which can explain this hardening. The RSXD signal of the (q q 0) reflection appears below Ts, the same ordering temperature as the conical magnetic structure in bulk, indicating that this phase remains multiferroic under strain. To describe the azimuthal dependence of this reflection, a slight modification is required to the spin model proposed by the conventional Lyons-Kaplan-Dwight-Menyuk theory for magnetic spinels. Lastly, a slight increase in reflected intensity is observed below Ts=27K when measuring at the Cr edge (but not at the Co edge).

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The effects of strain on a film of mulitferroic GdMnO3 are investigated using both magnetometry and magneto-optic spectroscopy. Optical spectra, in the energy range 1.5eV - 3.5eV, were taken in Faraday geometry in an applied magnetic field and also at remanence. This yielded rich information on the effects of strain on the spin ordering in these films. Epitaxial films of GdMnO3 were grown on SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 substrates. The LaAlO3 was twinned and so produced a highly strained film whereas the strain was less for the film grown on SrTiO3. The Neel temperatures and coercive fields were measured using zero field data and hysteresis loops obtained using a SQUID magnetometer. Optical absorption data agreed with earlier work on bulk materials. The two well known features in the optical spectrum, the charge transfer transition between Mn d states at ~2eV and the band edge transition from the oxygen p band to the d states at ~3eV are observed in the magnetic circular dichroism; however they behaved very differently both as a function of magnetic field and temperature. This is interpreted in terms of the magnetic ordering of the Mn spins.
Soft X-ray resonant scattering (XRS) has been used to observe directly, for the first time, the ordering of localized electronic states on both the Mn and Tb sites in multiferroic TbMnO$_3$. Large resonant enhancement of the X-ray scattering cross-section were observed when the incident photon energy was tuned to either the Mn $L$ or Tb $M$ edges which provide information on the Mn 3d and Tb $4f$ electronic states, respectively. The temperature dependence of the XRS signal establishes, in a model independent way, that in the high-temperature phase (28 K $leq$ T $leq$ 42 K) the Mn 3d sublattices displays long-range order. The Tb $4f$ sublattices are found to order only on entering the combined ferroelectric/magnetic state below 28 K. Our results are discussed with respect to recent hard XRS experiments (sensitive to spatially extended orbitals) and neutron scattering.
X-ray resonant scattering has been used to measure the magnetic order of the Dy ions below 40K in multiferroic DyMn$_{2}$O$_{5}$. The magnetic order has a complex behaviour. There are several different ordering wavevectors, both incommensurate and commensurate, as the temperature is varied. In addition a non-magnetic signal at twice the wavevector of one of the commensurate signals is observed, the maximum intensity of which occurs at the same temperature as a local maximum in the ferroelectric polarisation. Some of the results, which bear resemblence to the behaviour of other members of the RMn$_{2}$O$_{5}$ family of multiferroic materials, may be explained by a theory based on so-called acentric spin-density waves.
255 - N. Hollmann , Z. Hu , T. Willers 2010
Soft x-ray absorption experiments on the transition metal L2,3 edge of multiferroic MnWO4 and antiferromagnetic CoWO4 are presented. The observed linear polarization dependence, analyzed by full-multiplet calculations, is used to determine the ground state wave function of the magnetic Mn2+ and Co2+ ions. The impact of the local structure and the spin-orbit coupling on the orbital moment is discussed in terms of the single-ion anisotropy. It is shown that the orbital moment in CoWO4 is responsible for the collinear antiferromagnetism, while the small size of spin-orbit coupling effects make spiral magnetic order in MnWO4 possible, enabling the material to be multiferroic.
258 - S W Lovesey , D D Khalyavin 2016
Experimental techniques using Bragg diffraction may elucidate electronic and magnetic properties of ferric ions in multiferroic ScFeO3 that are puzzling. A collinear magnetic motif of dipole moments is not expected for s-state ions with an acentric parent (paramagnetic) structure, because single-site anisotropy is negligible and antisymmetric exchange interactions promote an inhomogeneous magnetic motif. However, current indications are that ScFeO3 supports G-type antiferromagnetism, with an unknown moment direction, which implies that ferric ions are not in the high-spin 6S state. It is argued that significant insight on these open questions can be achieved by confronting experimental data with calculated structure factors for resonant x-ray and magnetic neutron Bragg spots, and we report results for G-type antiferromagnetism allowed by the corundum-like parent R3c structure. Calculated structure factors include Dirac multipoles that are time-odd and parity-odd, e.g., dipoles that are often called anapoles or toroidal moments.
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