The asymmetric quantum Rabi model in the polaron picture

Abstract in English

The concept of the polaron in condensed matter physics has been extended to the Rabi model, where polarons resulting from the coupling between a two-level system and single-mode photons represent two oppositely displaced oscillators. Interestingly, tunneling between these two displaced oscillators can induce an anti-polaron, which has not been systematically explored in the literature, especially in the presence of an asymmetric term. In this paper, we present a systematic analysis of the competition between the polaron and anti-polaron under the interplay of the coupling strength and the asymmetric term. While intuitively the anti-polaron should be secondary owing to its higher potential energy, we find that, under certain conditions, the minor anti-polaron may gain a reversal in the weight over the major polaron. If the asymmetric amplitude $epsilon$ is smaller than the harmonic frequency $omega$, such an overweighted anti-polaron can occur beyond a critical value of the coupling strength $g$; if $epsilon$ is larger, the anti-polaron can even be always overweighted at any $g$. We propose that the explicit occurrence of the overweighted anti-polaron can be monitored by a displacement transition from negative to positive values. This displacement is an experimentally accessible observable, which can be measured by quantum optical methods, such as balanced Homodyne detection.
