Optical parallel computation similar to quantum computation based on optical fields modulated with pseudorandom phase sequences

Abstract in English

We propose an optical parallel computation similar to quantum computation that can be realized by introducing pseudorandom phase sequences into classical optical fields with two orthogonal modes. Based on the pseudorandom phase sequences, we first propose a theoretical framework of phase ensemble model referring from the concept of quantum ensemble. Using the ensemble model, we further demonstrate the inseparability of the fields similar to quantum entanglement. It is interesting that a N2^N dimensional Hilbert space spanned by N optical fields is larger than that spanned by N quantum particles. This leads a problem for our scheme that is not the lack of resources but the redundancy of resources. In order to reduce the redundancy, we propose a special sequence permutation mechanism to efficiently imitate certain quantum states, including the product state, Bell states, GHZ state and W state. For better fault tolerance, we further devise each orthogonal mode of optical fields is measured to assign discrete values. Finally, we propose a generalized gate array model to imitate some quantum algorithms, such as Shors algorithm, Grovers algorithm and quantum Fourier algorithm. The research on the optical parallel computation might be important, for it not only has the potential beyond quantum computation, but also provides useful insights into fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics.
