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We present imaging polarimetry of the superluminous supernova SN 2015bn, obtained over nine epochs between $-$20 and $+$46 days with the Nordic Optical Telescope. This was a nearby, slowly-evolving Type I superluminous supernova that has been studied extensively and for which two epochs of spectropolarimetry are also available. Based on field stars, we determine the interstellar polarisation in the Galaxy to be negligible. The polarisation of SN 2015bn shows a statistically significant increase during the last epochs, confirming previous findings. Our well-sampled imaging polarimetry series allows us to determine that this increase (from $sim 0.54%$ to $gtrsim 1.10%$) coincides in time with rapid changes that took place in the optical spectrum. We conclude that the supernova underwent a `phase transition at around $+$20 days, when the photospheric emission shifted from an outer layer, dominated by natal C and O, to a more aspherical inner core, dominated by freshly nucleosynthesized material. This two-layered model might account for the characteristic appearance and properties of Type I superluminous supernovae.
The origin of the luminosity of superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) is an unresolved mystery, and a number of very different physical scenarios (including energy injection from magnetars, collision with a dense circumstellar medium and pair instability-induced explosions) have been invoked. The application of polarimetry to normal SNe has been shown to probe the three-dimensional structure of exploding stars, providing clues to the nature of the explosion mechanism. We report imaging linear polarimetry observations of the Type I SLSN 2017egm, in the galaxy NGC 3191, conducted with the Liverpool Telescope and the RINGO3 instrument. Observations were acquired at four epochs, spanning 4 - 19 days after light-curve maximum, however, polarization was not detected at a level of $>3sigma$. At +7 and +15 days, and in the average over all epochs, we find a possible polarization signal, detected at a significance of $approx 2sigma$ in the blue channel. This signal is seen, primarily, in the Stokes $q$ parameter, with a corresponding polarization angle consistent with the orientation of the spiral arm in proximity to the position of SN 2017egm. We interpret this as indicating that any polarization, if present, originates from dust in the host galaxy rather than being intrinsic to the SN itself. Despite its apparent peculiarities, compared to other Type I SLSNe, the polarization characteristics of SN 2017egm are consistent with the previously reported low polarization of other SLSNe of this variety.
We present observations of SN 2015bn (= PS15ae = CSS141223-113342+004332 = MLS150211-113342+004333), a Type I superluminous supernova (SLSN) at redshift $z=0.1136$. As well as being one of the closest SLSNe I yet discovered, it is intrinsically brighter ($M_Uapprox-23.1$) and in a fainter galaxy ($M_Bapprox-16.0$) than other SLSNe at $zsim0.1$. We used this opportunity to collect the most extensive dataset for any SLSN I to date, including densely-sampled spectroscopy and photometry, from the UV to the NIR, spanning $-$50 to +250 days from optical maximum. SN 2015bn fades slowly, but exhibits surprising undulations in the light curve on a timescale of 30-50 days, especially in the UV. The spectrum shows extraordinarily slow evolution except for a rapid transformation between +7 and +20-30 days. No narrow emission lines from slow-moving material are observed at any phase. We derive physical properties including the bolometric luminosity, and find slow velocity evolution and non-monotonic temperature and radial evolution. A deep radio limit rules out a healthy off-axis gamma-ray burst, and places constraints on the pre-explosion mass loss. The data can be consistently explained by a $gtrsim10,{rm M}_odot$ stripped progenitor exploding with $sim 10^{51},$erg kinetic energy, forming a magnetar with a spin-down timescale of $sim20$ days (thus avoiding a gamma-ray burst) that reheats the ejecta and drives ionization fronts. The most likely alternative scenario -- interaction with $sim20,{rm M}_odot$ of dense, inhomogeneous circumstellar material -- can be tested with continuing radio follow-up.
We present the characterization of two engineered diffusers mounted on the 2.5 meter Nordic Optical Telescope, located at Roque de Los Muchachos, Spain. To assess the reliability and the efficiency of the diffusers, we carried out several test observations of two photometric standard stars, along with observations of one primary transit observation of TrES-3b in the red (R-band), one of CoRoT-1b in the blue (B-band), and three secondary eclipses of WASP-12b in V-band. The achieved photometric precision is in all cases within the sub-millimagnitude level for exposures between 25 and 180 seconds. Along a detailed analysis of the functionality of the diffusers, we add a new transit depth measurement in the blue (B-band) to the already observed transmission spectrum of CoRoT-1b, disfavouring a Rayleigh slope. We also report variability of the eclipse depth of WASP-12b in the V-band. For the WASP-12b secondary eclipses, we observe a secondary-depth deviation of about 5-sigma, and a difference of 6-sigma and 2.5-sigma when compared to the values reported by other authors in similar wavelength range determined from Hubble Space Telescope data. We further speculate about the potential physical processes or causes responsible for this observed variability
This paper describes the Polarization Spectroscopic Telescope Array (PolSTAR), a mission proposed to NASAs 2014 Small Explorer (SMEX) announcement of opportunity. PolSTAR measures the linear polarization of 3-50 keV (requirement; goal: 2.5-70 keV) X-rays probing the behavior of matter, radiation and the very fabric of spacetime under the extreme conditions close to the event horizons of black holes, as well as in and around magnetars and neutron stars. The PolSTAR design is based on the technology developed for the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) mission launched in June 2012. In particular, it uses the same X-ray optics, extendable telescope boom, optical bench, and CdZnTe detectors as NuSTAR. The mission has the sensitivity to measure ~1% linear polarization fractions for X-ray sources with fluxes down to ~5 mCrab. This paper describes the PolSTAR design as well as the science drivers and the potential science return.
Superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) are found predominantly in dwarf galaxies, indicating that their progenitors have a low metallicity. However, the most nearby SLSN to date, SN 2017egm, occurred in the spiral galaxy NGC 3191, which has a relatively high stellar mass and correspondingly high metallicity. In this paper, we present detailed analysis of the nearby environment of SN 2017egm using MaNGA IFU data, which provides spectral data on kiloparsec scales. From the velocity map we find no evidence that SN 2017egm occurred within some intervening satellite galaxy, and at the SN position most metallicity diagnostics yield a solar and above solar metallicity (12 + log (O/H) = 8.8-9.1). Additionally we measure a small H-alpha equivalent width (EW) at the SN position of just 34 Angs, which is one of the lowest EWs measured at any SLSN or Gamma-Ray Burst position, and indicative of the progenitor star being comparatively old. We also compare the observed properties of NGC 3191 with other SLSN host galaxies. The solar-metallicity environment at the position of SN 2017egm presents a challenge to our theoretical understanding, and our spatially resolved spectral analysis provides further constraints on the progenitors of SLSNe.